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Everything posted by Caerfinon

  1. They are mounted on the outside. Will have to test with seats inside a cargo-hold or structure tube. Glad you like it!
  2. There's this little gem also... Kerbals get just get up and move to other areas of the ship.
  3. Something to note: In KSP 1.10 and 1.11 the HasCrewCapacity parameter in contracts used to count the EAS-1 External Command Seats as a regular crew spot. But since KSP 1.11.1 something weird is going on. My parameter requires the min capacity of the craft to be 3. I have 2 seats in the command pod and 2 EAS-1 seats attached so capacity is 4, or so i thought. If I put two kerbals in the command pod in the SPH and launch the parameter fails. If I put one kerbal in the command pod and one kerbal in the EAS-1 then the parameter completes normally. Very odd, but something to consider in aircraft design going forward.
  4. Just another day of pulling Navy pilots out of the ocean... Drinks are on them when we get back.
  5. Current Status: Issue 32 - runway/terminal stops have a 10 second duration for ramp deployment to prevent way-point from disappearing too quickly Issue 33 - KSC runway marker has been changed from extreme western end of the runway to the centre of the runway Changes are available on GitHub and will be included in the next scheduled release
  6. low memory does cause problems in KSP, best have it as the only application running when you play.
  7. I checked through the player log and while I didn't see anything obvious, I did notice that it ended in a game crash; Uploading Crash Report Uploading Crash Report Setting up 2 worker threads for Enlighten. Thread -> id: 4e14 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 5b9c -> priority: 1 This could indicate an issue in the game that is causing the problem with duration timers. I think a first step would be to check that you had the latest versions of all of the mods you use, and install any missing dependencies. You will find crash reports in windows in this directory: <username>\AppData\LocalLow\Unity\CrashReports I'm no unity expert, but I'll look through it. Also this link: Things you can to do make support easier: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/ provids trouble shooting techniques that resolve most issues or helps to narrow in on what is going wrong.
  8. @xZephy CKAN is not complete, but it does keep the mods it supports orderly. I use a combination of CKAN and non-CKAN mods in my install.
  9. Also: You have Stage Recovery installed, but not one of it's dependencies Space Tux https://spacedock.info/mod/2210/SpaceTux Library I'm not saying this is the issue, but misbehaving mods, misbehave. I highly recommend using CKAN to keep all mods and dependencies up to date. It's not required however.
  10. I use steam as well and this wis were the game writes the player.log to. PS C:\Users\rhkni> cd \AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\" >> ^C PS C:\Users\rhkni> cd .\AppData\ PS C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData> cd .\LocalLow\ PS C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\LocalLow> cd .\Squad\ PS C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\LocalLow\Squad> cd '.\Kerbal Space Program\' PS C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program> ls Directory: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- d----- 2020-07-08 1:34 PM Unity -a---- 2021-02-04 5:30 PM 6996498 Player-prev.log -a---- 2021-02-04 11:39 PM 10703687 Player.log If it's not there you can do an advanced search on you drives looking for the Player.log file
  11. To create or edit bases you need to have a kerbal in a craft physically at the location of the base you want to edit or create and then press CTL-K. Don't move buildings or terrain through the kerbal as that typically is fatal for them.
  12. Depending on you install The Logs Windows: - 1.8 or newer: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log Mac OS X: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'Reports'. Scroll down the list and find the one which says "Log Reports", click that. A list of files will be displayed in the top part of the window, in there will be Player.Log ( Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log ). Right-click on it and select "Reveal in Finder". Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
  13. No worries. I looked at the contract in the persistent.sfs and you completed all the parameters for the prior to the pre-flight checks but the duration timers just didn't start. I've never seen that before. To you have a copy of the player.log file from this session? I'd like to get a look at that. Also if you use CKAN could you save an install mod list (under file menu) and post that as well? EDIT: Can you try try doing the rescue mission with another craft? A simple Mk2 cockpit and mk2 crew cabin would meet the requirements. and I only want to see if the pre-flight check completes and afterwards you can revert the contract.
  14. To execute CTRL + K you need to have an active flight at the TSC location for it to work. It will then place you in edit mode and you can modify the site with additional structures from the menu. Best have your kerbal off to the side as moving terrain or building through their location usually kills them.
  15. Comes in Kerbal Hacks: Wearable KIS Props, but read the forums you need to modify some configs to get everything to work
  16. Come on in, the water is fine! Welcome aboard! Fly safe.
  17. Well that's good but still strange. Have you done the missions that require you to taxi the aircraft to a terminal? Do you have similar issues with them? Those are the missions where the flight number does not end in a "0".
  18. That is a strange one. your plane is within the 690 meter requirement of the Landing Rights mission but for some reason the parameter is not being completed. The crew manifest for this flight lists; Valentina Kerman Rosley Kerman Gerfen Kerman Wehrly Kerman Shergee Kerman is this correct? is the way-point marker flashing or not? Have you tried taking off and landing again? Can you show me a picture of the way-points in Waypoint Manager? Note: There is no requirement in the missions that the runway be upgraded to a certain level.
  19. I started a thread in Add-on Development when I started work on my mod. I added [WIP] in front of the thread title and used that topic to discus the development of the mod and take suggestions from other players. When I got to where I considered it released I asked to mods to move the topic to Add-on Releases
  20. This is a bug in the way that Landing Rights calculates it's flight progress and the waypoint generator behaviour on setting an altitude from a variable based on that flight progress calculation. It does not occur in regular flight missions so I simply removed having to use the "terminals" in the Landing Rights and rely on being within 690 meters of the runway marker. It's a Kludge but it works. The airport and terminal markers in the rest of the flights should work out OK. Especially Top Secret Area 15 where the marker was extremely underground. The parameters of the mission require a stop for the marker to clear, however there is no duration of time to be at the stopped state, so even a brief halt (including any processing time delays) could register the parameter as complete. I could add a duration parameter to the test of 5-10 seconds to avoid this. Issue 32 The KSC marker does appear at he end of the runway. It is set from the GAP code that uses a PQS offset rather than a LAT/LON location . This is a fairly easy fix Issue 33 Thanks for pointing these out.
  21. I'm glad you like it. It's really just a continuation of the work started by others. I stand on the shoulders of giants.
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