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Everything posted by modus

  1. Clickclickclickclickclick Clickclickcluckclick Clickclickclick Clickclick Click
  2. It's like a clickety click here, a clockety clack there, and click clicko click!
  3. Think you're in the wrong thread here This mod changes the tech tree, not the planets...
  4. iirc I also had this when I first installed the prerelease, It magically worked after I restarted KSP.
  5. But a few posts below that is the one I was quoting from, which I guess is the result from R-T-B's "legwork"?
  6. Thx for the quick response! So if you don't set it to ultra there will be no tessellation? So "Changing your terrain shader quality in the settings now changes your Parallax shader quality" means you can change the shader quality (quite necessary on my potato, which is why I was very happy to read "Added low and medium quality shaders. If you have a slower PC, you'll get good performance from these!"), but there will be no tesselation, or am I getting this all wrong?
  7. Is the official party line after the update still that is best not to use Parallax and Planetshine together?
  8. I also have OPM, and I do have comets (1.11.2). I'm scanning the 'old' Kopernicus bleeding edge thread for posts regarding comets, but I'm not sure if this is all still correct...First cometspawning (and asteroidspawning) was handled by Kopernicus but it was (optionally) removed in BE release 75: "Kopernicus_Config.cfg now accepts parameter UseKopernicusAsteroidSystem with accepted values "true" (default, use Kopernicus Custom Asteroid Generator and scrub Sentinel contracts), "false" (use external mod asteroid generator, or none at all), and "stock" (uses stock game generator, only good for stock system). These values are case insensitive and DO NOT use quotes." @R-T-Bis this still correct? I guess so because I have asteroids/comets and no sentinel contracts
  9. Great work, impressive list of changes and fixes Congrats! To be clear, does mean this version doesn't work on previous ksp versions or that previous ksp versions just aren't supported?
  10. I have it sometimes (in 1.11.2), never found a pattern.
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