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Everything posted by modus

  1. In the latest USI pre-release (al the USI mods in one release) there's also a new bunch of science gear. Don't really know exactly which USI mod has them
  2. That looks like a great idea because it would mean a true rebalance while not necessarily a potential savebreaker like option 2 (if I'm understanding all this correctly, haven't had much coffee today). If it's too hard i'd go for option 3.
  3. @RoverDudeor @DoktorKrogg I noticed in the new prerelease that the Konstruction ports and stock docking ports are once again seperate parts. Is that intentional? If I'm not mistaken they were made one in the previous prerelease (which was great). (Is there a way to undo this?)
  4. not mentioned, yet still I click!
  5. You mean the mods version number not being up to date with the latest versoon of the game? That doesn't necessarily mean the mod doesn't work. Have you tried? I haven't, that's why I'm asking
  6. You should read and ask in the kopernicus thread, asteroid spawning has been discussed there... Edit: maybe you did read the kopernicus thread since you talk about file editing. Just saying it's a better place to ask, since this is the ksp2 thread. Sorry for backseat moderating
  7. Note that a knight in shining armor already shared his patch in the ssprx thread, bottom of page 73.
  8. Haven't tried it, but it will probably work.
  9. Have you tried BetterTimeWarpContinued? One of it's features reads: 1 hour burn completed in 3 minutes at 20x physical warp.
  10. Isn't this supposed to be in the dev thread, aren't these reports for 2.0.0?
  11. Is this why the mks -extras patch gives an error during load when using 2.0.0? (the USILS patch also)
  12. If it's 2 or 3 I'm sure one or more heros will step up However (and I'm saying this as a total layman), are we sure that the problem is only caused by the rotation functionality )? I mean, what we see is: 'new rotation option =>drift' so it seems a logical conclusion, but maybe there are more/other changes in the code that cause the drifting problem?
  13. Oh yeah, my bad, been playing with your great mod for ages so totally forgot it changes stock
  14. I think I can also see it in Nertea's gif, no? Right at the end of the second one. I would also think it's not intended. Also very much this
  15. It does, in such a way that SH has no effect on MKS. They work independently, there's no patch (yet?).
  16. did you install everything correctly? Did it work on previous versions for you? Do you have other GC parts?
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