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Everything posted by modus

  1. I think your second question was answered in the post above yours.
  2. praise da lord for the wolf wiki, it really helped me when I started Wolfing.
  3. @RoverDudein the latest prerelease (used on 1.12.2) I notice that the nodes on the 5m SAS are quite far from the top and bottom of the actual SAS, leaving quite the gap when you want to attach something to it. I don't think I saw this in the previous version, where the 5m SAS was a lot...fatter Is it supposed to be like this?
  4. In the latest USI pre-release (al the USI mods in one release) there's also a new bunch of science gear. Don't really know exactly which USI mod has them
  5. That is one impressive base, really like what you did there.
  6. That looks like a great idea because it would mean a true rebalance while not necessarily a potential savebreaker like option 2 (if I'm understanding all this correctly, haven't had much coffee today). If it's too hard i'd go for option 3.
  7. @RoverDudeor @DoktorKrogg I noticed in the new prerelease that the Konstruction ports and stock docking ports are once again seperate parts. Is that intentional? If I'm not mistaken they were made one in the previous prerelease (which was great). (Is there a way to undo this?)
  8. not mentioned, yet still I click!
  9. You mean the mods version number not being up to date with the latest versoon of the game? That doesn't necessarily mean the mod doesn't work. Have you tried? I haven't, that's why I'm asking
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