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Everything posted by modus

  1. Will try a clean test tonight (or maybe tomorrow). What I also want to know, @RookFett do you use/keep the entire USI suite when you download the prerelease ? Or do you delete certain mods (I do)?
  2. Yeah it sure is a mystery. I never had any problems with it, not with this version or the previous prerelease. I wonder if @RoverDudehas a clue what is going on here? I'll see with I can do tonight or tomorrow night
  3. If I want an alarm, I create one in the alarm clock It should be an option there, not on the orbit. Just my humble opinion ofcourse.
  4. Is no one else having this issue or are they just watching and waiting for a fix? What a thriller this is!
  5. Yeah, the level 4 upgrade doesn't work in career (it's supposed to actually say 'level 4', right?). Using 1.12.2 en latest CBK, in my longtime career save (since way before 1.12). I'd suggest JX2 (which by the way has a patch to disable the level 4 tracking station) and, as @OhioBobrightfully says, combining antennas. I'm also using minor planets expansion so going way beyond Plock, and relays or reflectors are definitely necessary.
  6. Don't have the game open right now, but I don't think I do. I use the other one, the transport computer (think that's what it's called). You do need to correct a typo somewhere in order to use it, look 2 pages back.
  7. This whole dev diary was just a lenghty intro to tell us this news!
  8. Yeah it's there, even without any created crew routes. Really weird. Glad to help, just wish I could give you a solution.
  9. the one in the latest pre-release (112.0.0), in the previous prerelease (the one from march) it also worked.
  10. sure, you don't have this in your toolbar? edit: the button opens this
  11. Yeah it all looks kinda generic Great work, looking forward to more!
  12. @RookFettIs the crew transfer button (the plane thing) on the toolbar working? Or is that what you mean by 'the PAW menu for crew transfer'? Just trying to understand your problem.
  13. So I just checked really quickly. I am in low orbit around Ervo, and I can get low orbit science from DMagic's experiments, like the telescope, magnetometer, micro goo, radio and plasma wave, ... Weird. haven't really checked biomespecific science though...
  14. Ithink it kinda works with DMagic orbital science? I have -on Exo's version- a probe around Ervo loaded with al kinds experiments, stock and DM, and I think they all work. Will have to doublecheck that.
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