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Everything posted by modus

  1. Go out, explore, see if the legend of the Kraken is just that....or something else whahahaaaaa
  2. If you covered all of a planet in bases and you went to visit it...everything....would....be....veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery....slooooooooooooooooooooooooow No really it would be unplayable because of lag. It's better to build multiple bases with reasonable partcounts and place them outside of physics range (2.3 km) of each other, than build one huge base. This is definitely the case when you play with life support mods, because you'll need a lot of extra parts.
  3. In theory you can go on and on...but you will make your PC cry. Ships/bases/stations with large part counts (depending on your CPU) will cause lag and Krakenattacks. But feel free to go as large as you will, there is no enforced limit. You can put colonies on all bodies, sure. Just try to build a 1000 part ship, you'll see what I mean Terraforming is indeed not possible, afaik not even with mods. Eve is very landable, but not very takeoffable Asteroids can be landed on, though it's more 'docked on' than landed on. They come in different sizes and spawn randomly. I'd suggest reading more in the wiki.
  4. Not yet here but already click!
  5. In my experience, MKS (and USI LS) and definitely WOLF is trying, testing, failing, optimizing, succeeding, profiting. Maybe a bit more of the first 3 at first
  6. There's a wiki you can check out (somewhat outdated for some parts but still a good start): https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki
  7. Yeah that's a bit messed up things are in things that should not be in things, and so on It should be (purely looking at your screenshots): Kerbal Space Program (on whatever location you have it, I see you use your Steam folder, I'd recommend using another location for your modded installs) Gamedata 000_USI_Tools CommunityCategoryKit CommunityResourcePack Firespitter Squad UmbraSpaceIndustries Akita FX Karibou Konstruction Kontainers MKS ReactionPack UsiCore WOLF ModuleManager.4.2.1.dll So to summarize: you should put the contents of the 'Gamedata' of your last screenshot in the Gamedata of your second screenshot A rule of thumb: you should never have a Gamedata in your Gamedata.
  8. Sounds like something went wrong there. Do you have a screenshot of your Gamedata and Umbra folders?
  9. Yes press while landing on eve. Edit: but still yeah click
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