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Everything posted by modus

  1. Not yet here but already click!
  2. In my experience, MKS (and USI LS) and definitely WOLF is trying, testing, failing, optimizing, succeeding, profiting. Maybe a bit more of the first 3 at first
  3. There's a wiki you can check out (somewhat outdated for some parts but still a good start): https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki
  4. Yeah that's a bit messed up things are in things that should not be in things, and so on It should be (purely looking at your screenshots): Kerbal Space Program (on whatever location you have it, I see you use your Steam folder, I'd recommend using another location for your modded installs) Gamedata 000_USI_Tools CommunityCategoryKit CommunityResourcePack Firespitter Squad UmbraSpaceIndustries Akita FX Karibou Konstruction Kontainers MKS ReactionPack UsiCore WOLF ModuleManager.4.2.1.dll So to summarize: you should put the contents of the 'Gamedata' of your last screenshot in the Gamedata of your second screenshot A rule of thumb: you should never have a Gamedata in your Gamedata.
  5. Sounds like something went wrong there. Do you have a screenshot of your Gamedata and Umbra folders?
  6. Yes press while landing on eve. Edit: but still yeah click
  7. I think (one of) the reason(s) is the hard dependency on Kopernicus, which is/was version based.
  8. I can be very wrong but I think dmagic orbital science has something like that?
  9. Like I said in the MM thread: I don't think those containers are from FTT, think they're MKS. So do you have that installed? Also, what version of USI mods and KSP do you have? The latest everything is here: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/UmbraSpaceIndustries/releases edit: looking at your sreenshot it seems like you have MKS installed edit2: so to be clear, for me all containers work fine.
  10. Maybe you should ask this in the FTT thread? But: I don't think those containers are from FTT, they're from MKS. Do you have that installed? What version of FTT/MKS (or any other usi mod) do you use? What ksp version?
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