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Everything posted by modus

  1. already clicking partner! Although it says we should not
  2. you forgot a little click there buddy!
  3. you'll know if I clicked if you can read this
  4. @R-T-B it's cool that there will be more asteroids spawning, but the game (using your latest release) really wants me to know there are no new objects at this time Is this intended behaviour? (this is just a short snip, it goes on and on)
  5. I'm a clicker. Cuz I click.
  6. I checked that thread because I was curious. It clearly says don't click so it's a good and responsible thing it's locked.
  7. If I'm not mistaken he also clicks
  8. @AlamoVampire @kerbiloid @Spaceman Spiff @SSTO Crasher @DunaManiac Click!
  9. He did it everywhere, I think he left...
  10. Isn't that like the exact same question you already asked? Just try the latest in 1.11 if you don't want to use 1.12. P.s. lots of mods work in 1.12, don't always rely on the title of the thread.
  11. Hmm yeah I'm pretty sure it works on 1.11. Paging @DoktorKrogg or doctor @RoverDudeto be sure.
  12. That version of Konstruction is not quite up to date. Try https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction/releases
  13. Oh ok, that wasn't clear to me. It's up to you ofcourse, but I would just try to copy the craft using the pictures. I know you said you're bad at building but this is certainly doable.
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