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Everything posted by modus

  1. I was already here. To click.
  2. I'm trying to look at and upload the player log but it's like 5gig, same for ksp log. I have an older (from monday) also rather large ksp log -here- where I see things like
  3. @Interplanet JanetDon't have the game open right now but yesterday I got errors in the console, about kopernicus failing to load (certain?) dds textures. Everything looks good though, allthough I didn't land anywhere. Using version 1.1.5.
  4. Hmm. The MKS 112 you downloaded normally contains all the USI mods (that's the constellation @RookFettwas referring to), so if you put LS and Konstruction in there, they might be double which might cause trouble. Did you also copy the other files in the zip (000_USITools, Firespitter, CommuityCategoryKit, CommunityResourcePack)?
  5. thank you mister pilot click
  6. Yup. Maybe some screenshots of your Gamadata and Umbrafolder would help?
  7. Works for me. Edit: using your stuff too btw
  8. Yes, there is an option/cheat you can turn on in the vab. Good to get started imho.
  9. @RoverDudesandcastle is a mod by Angel-125 @g_BonEI recommend Konstruction (in combo with Wolf) because 1) it is awesome and 2) it is part of Mks, unlike Sandcastle, which as far as I know doesn't have a patch for mks.
  10. I'll check that later - maybe. I don't have much time the coming nights, just want to play the game (Doesn't mean I don't want to help you anymore ofcourse!) edit: now that I think about it, I do have the log from the install where I tested first. And sure enough: Yeah it was kind of a letdown I really hoped it would have been clear in what scenario (which mods and so on) it worked and where not. It was frustrating to see that the scenario where it actually works seems to be the exception instead of vice versa. I must have done something in my career to get it working. But what? whaaaaaaaaaat?
  11. I tested in all game modes, never saw the icon. Man this is so strange
  12. k so first test: a copy of my clean 12.2 (so no new download) with only All of this is copied from my regular KSP 12.2 folder (the 'working' one). So this is the 112 unstable prerelease. Started a new sandbox and launched a pod. I see...NO transfer icon!! Next I fired up my regular KSP 12.2 and started a new sandbox. I see...NO transfer icon?! This is weird because in my career I'm very sure -although I'm starting to doubt myself- that 1) the icon was always there en 2) I have not a single crew transfer route (of that I'm 100% sure). So I then cheated a bit and created both some cargo and crew transport depots and routes, but no transfer icon. When I open my career save, the icon is there, even at the ksc: So yeah I'm super confused right now. My guess is that the transfer icon wasn't always there and that I did something during my career that enabled it? This is only getting stranger.
  13. That is what I'm saying. I don't use ART, Exppack, Karbonite (and K+), Orion, Soundingrockets, srvpack, warpdrive. (not 100% sure that's all of them, can't check right now)
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