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Everything posted by modus

  1. A tiny animation when a kerbal goes on EVA, like a hatch that opens. Has to be be very short or it gets annoying quickly
  2. I use Nerteas mods alongside Blueshift, they don't really influence eachother. For me, Blueshift = long transport, Nerteas stuff= what you do when you arrive No hard dependencies iirc.
  3. can I also click? Please? Click?
  4. Don't forget to say goodbye to your frames I've made stations with asteroids, they're awesome but it's hard to keep partcount under control...(for me at least)
  5. The first one: GameData/SystemHeatConverters/stuff Just make sure you don't have Gamedata/Gamedata.
  6. Are they really docked? Because that looks really weird. I had something similar in a station where it looked like 2 parts were docked but because the 2 arms I wanted to join up weren't lined up straight they couldn't dock. The magnetism couldn't pull them together, so there was a tiny (but oh so annoying) gap. So, do you have the option to undock?
  7. As I said, I use the same version as you without problems, so maybe it's something else... But now I'm doubting myself. PL is still in the pre release right? Not really using it anymore. edit2: it sure is there in my pre release on 1.11.2
  8. Did you try to use the latest version? If you only want to use mods that are explicitly updated to 1.12, there's not gonna be many for you to use... Most/many will work just fine.
  9. Yeah I agree. I want to see basic stuff, if possible in action. Which is not so trivial because they'd have to show UI's, the navball, and other stuff that would make us all go nuts. So I get why they don't show stuff like that
  10. Allright, mysterious good side projects. Sounds...good and mysterious.
  11. No, I'm saying to use the link on the very top of the page Edit: to clarify: the link is in the text.
  12. It's the top link on https://umbraspaceindustries.github.io/UmbraSpaceIndustries/ The one that says githubrrepo.
  13. I think if you use the waybackmachine you can also see previous versions.
  14. Around Moho, hoping the next rescue mission can reach him, with fuel left.
  15. Also, placing just one decoupler, attach booster, then select the decoupler and use the correct symmetry, helps me a lot to see if I attached the booster correctly, but maybe that's just me.
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