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Everything posted by modus

  1. Did anyone see if the stock alarm clock has an option for science (so an alarm when your lab is full)?
  2. The Mun will never 'just' capture your spacecraft. You have to slow down (burn retrograde, ideally at Mun periapsis) first in order to be captured.
  3. This is a known, and stock, issue, so not caused bij MKS/USI. KSP Recall has a fix for this (and it would be very cool if Squad fixed this in 1.12)
  4. Man, I just made a supernice and super huge space-science-station-thing with 2 asteroids and a lot of SSPXr parts, and here you are showing off all this new content, making my station look all boring Keep it up!
  5. It's an understatement, but that looks just awesome. Great job dude.
  6. It always strikes me how KSP2 seems to be so much...bigger than KSP 1.
  7. As others have said, ending of development doesn't mean the game itself ends... Been playing for only 2 years but what an amazing experience it has been, including discovering a fantastic community of modders and fellow space nerds. I'm very much looking forward to all the fun times ahead!
  8. Daaaaamn. How long does one second of game time take?
  9. Yeah it should totally make pewpew sounds!
  10. Yes, I do this too. Don't try to build a 'city' because that's lagfest. Try to colonize a whole planet with multiple bases. I also use WOLF from the MKS mod, so most of my mining and processing of resources runs in the background without using precious cpu and ram...
  11. Both EPL en GC are no longer supported (EPL has been unsupported for a long time if I'm not mistaken) so I wouldn't get your hopes up about getting much help...That is ofcourse just my opinion. Maybe someone smarter than me has something better to say. I'd suggest using Roverdude's own orbital shipyard in the constellation pre-release. What do you find unpredictable about it? For me it works fine (keep in mind that it is a pre-release so not everything might be 100%), and it blends well into all the other MKS/USI stuff. Again, just my opinion, but I definitely don't want to go back to GC or EPL. They're good mods for sure, I have used both of them before, but in combo with MKS/USI I find the Konstructor a blessing.
  12. It has nothing to do with OPM but with Kopernicus, I believe.
  13. We promise we won't judge your quick ALT-F12
  14. After first commenting on a thread that was inactive for 4 years (meant no disrespect, funny to see how many times he does this)
  15. yeah I don't really see the logic. Most of my craft spawn within a few 100m (never had the problem that it spawned within my ship) but 1) it's (almost) never the same distance and 2) the one at 4km was really weird.
  16. The section on the Konstructor says: "After a few seconds, the ship will appear in space near the KonStructor." ==> is there a fixed distance or is this calculated in some way? I would say no, because I Konstructed 2 identical, very simple craft (just a container with some docking ports) and one spawned something like 4 km (!) from my station and the other one at 150m. That's quite a difference...Is it just random?
  17. Works fine on 1.11.X (see title of this thread), but make sure you have the correct Kopernicus version.
  18. Everytime I make a lander I think yeah this is gonna be my go to design in future missions and then I forget about it and I make a lander and I think yeah this is gonna be my go to design in future missions.
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