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Everything posted by modus

  1. Welcome in MKS wonderland! This question has been asked a few times on the last few pages, you might wanna check those. And as said, the wiki.
  2. Agreed, but unless you use physics loader extender (or whatever it's called), that's gonna be hard I think. But I really like this idea!
  3. Do you mean visible from the physics loading distance?
  4. Search for r-t-b 's stable branch. (On mobile right now so a bit limited in my linking abilities)
  5. You don't want to know how many times stuff like that happens to me so just thought I'd ask
  6. No, it's a preview for the upcoming 1.12.
  7. It's not out, it's a preview
  8. The most obvious question is: do you have a container for matkits?
  9. It's definitely not with all the bodies. Yesterday I landed on (or rather, pushed myself against) Geito, everything went fine. So yeah the patch would be welcome but it's not like it's unplayable.
  10. Did not know this. @RoverDude(or someone else) is there a fixed distance at which constructed vessels spawn?
  11. I don't know if anyone knows this by heart (if someone does, hats of to you), but you can find information on this on the wiki (e.g. https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki/Parts-(Duna-Series)#mks-duna-power-distribution-unit , there are 'crew requirements' for some of the parts), and also in the VAB I guess? edit: although I'm not sure if all the info on the wiki is still correct?
  12. If you could change the default names like you can change the name of your vessel I think that would be fine. If you don't want to be bothered you don't do it, if you want to be all poetic, knock yourself out.
  13. For me it's just a matter of shape, sometimes the flat fits better, sometimes the promotheus.
  14. modus


    Totm twice, you're on a roll!
  15. It spawns at a certain distance from your ship, so I wouldn't worry. Download it And maybe delete previous versions.
  16. Yeah, you have to do regular checkups to let everything catch up. If you have one, or a few, small bases this isn't that much of a problem imo. I used to set repeating alarms so I wouldn't forget. But when you go big, it can become a bit of a chore (in my experience). WOLF can be a solution for that, because everything (and you can take that literally) runs in the background once you've done the initial setup. So there's no catching up.
  17. I'd definitely check out the Wiki then https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki and https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki/Life-Support. It can all be a bit overwhelming at first, so I wouldn't recommend trying to build a megabase right away or going full WOLF from the start. Take your time, experiment, it can be a rabbithole (but a good kind of rabbithole)
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