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Everything posted by Rakete

  1. @Angel-125: Can you have a look at this before the next release?
  2. @Angel-125 Bugreport: between medium and severe, type: calculations. I guess I could confirm this after serveral fiddling around in the vab: Look at the max warp speed values in tha VAB: The supercharger makes no difference. Now in the real world: Without supercharger: No warp at all with full throttle (Max Warp = 0,000)! With supercharger 7x higher warp speed than predicted in the VAB. I guess there is a bug around ;-) The in tha VAB shown max warp factor doesn't match neither the speed in planetary SOI nor the interplanetary speed. It can't be the interstellar speed, as it would be even higher. So I guess, the MaxWarp-Calculation in the VAB/SPH has a bug. Atm it has nothing to do with the "reality" in the game. Maybe you can have a look at it before the next release drops? The needed testrig-ship is as simple as shown: Commandpod of your choice (This one is from Nerteas NF Spacecraft Mod, but the stock one will do also) and some toys on it, warp core, coil, Deut/Pellet tank, done.
  3. Unlock the new modes in the techtree first, which BS introduced.
  4. @Angel-125 Is it possible to ask a wish? For FFT-Users: We use LqDe instead of pellets. That's great, since we can use the fusion ressources we already harvest in FFT and it fits nicely in the FFT-environment by Nertea. Thanks for that! I love it... Buuuut: This is the smallest LqDeut-Tank we have in FFT: Not very streamlined for Mk2-Ships, right ? Can you provide/change a patch, that gives us one of your MK2 Fusionpellet tanks and turns them into a LqDeuterium storage, if we have FFT installed? The shown tank holds 1250 LqDe. So for a re-used Mk2 Pellet tank I would suggest 500-1000 LqDe for FFT-Users (depending on the length of your tank). Also: I think I found a little bug. The max warpspeed prediction sometimes doesn't meet the values if you port this vehicle into space - even if you play around with the supercharger in the VAB. Maybe it would also be a good a idea to show three diferent max warp speeds: Planetary, Interplanetary and interstellar in the PAW? Just suggestions.
  5. Yes, Nertea did great stuff in the past. Hope many things find their way into KSP 2. E.g. his rework of the heatsystem with the Systemheat mod and the Heat Control mod... and the whole Near Future and Far Future Mod Suite by him. I would never play KSP without them anymore. The delay of KSP2: I got mixed feelings about it. If they deliver a more bugfree version, I will be happy about the delay. A forced release is always bad for all, esp. the customers. See: Elite Dangerous Odyssey. Borked from the ground and canceled for consoles afterwards after promissing all and making players spend more money on ingame cosmetics (I play ED on console).... Broken promisses and lies - they treated us like a financial milk cow by not telling us that we are gonna be left behind and than sent us to the butcher for the sake of a better money/effort-ratio (it would have run on consoles if optimized properly - it's no visual firework, that they created compared to older games that run well on consoles). Then it's better to delay a release and only give realistic statements instead of promissing heaven and not delivering while taking money for a waiting ticket (e.g. Star Citizen, which probably will never be completed but eats RL money for many players).
  6. @Angel-125 Alright, here is my latest edit on the configs: -------> https://www.filemail.com/d/tyoxqlutlrlhwbg <------- right out of my gamedata. If I changed something after the last uploaded version it should be included in the file, I guess. :-) Sidenote: I just adjusted the values for kerbin, Jool and Eve. The GEP configs are untouched, since I didn't know, how big the planets are and if they should give extra bonuses on gravi because of their distance and so on. I'd pass this job over to GEP-users, since I can't test them right now. (Uninstalled Koperincus temporarily due to visually annoying bugs until fix). As for the Stargate: I love it! How is it supposed to be supplied/refilled with graviolium, as the gravi-tax is paid by the gate? How does it behave, if you send a kerbal without helmet eg. from Kerbin to Duna? I really like it. Since I haven't gotten to place a Stargate in Orbit yet, a stupid question: Does it close automaticly after a travel or is there a shutdown button? And for the warp-system: Is the white warp vortex always projected 10m in front of the most forward part or in a certain distance from the warp core part ? (Just visually relevant for me in order to design aesthetically pleasing crafts)... May ask a request? The settings only allow the destructive start-up if you have space anomalies enabled. Can we have the dangerous gate startup vortex (kawoosh... like in Stargate) also if we don't have space anomalies engaged and place the gates ourselves?
  7. Not if you use FFT. There you use LqDeuterium instead of pellets, which can be harvested in orbit. This opens up whole possibilities. Maybe give nerteas Mod suite a chance?! They fit nicely to blushift. Hope Nertea answers. He's kinda retired from modding KSP1 due to being employed for KSP2.
  8. Eeeh... i hope so. I think I will be on my computer tomorrow and will upload my current version of the config in case i changed something in detail since the last upload. Just to make sure. Unfortunately i am not on my pc right now. Here's a big thunderstorm right over my town and I got other RL stuff to do, to make the last things around here stormproof. So sorry for having to wait a few more hours, but it's gonna be a stormy night over here. A question upon the stargates.... If I activate a a portal e.g. from kerbin to Jool, is it also active in the other direction? Or do I have to make sure, that the distant gate is remote controllable to ensure the kerbals can also return home at all?
  9. My config is/was there for download. You or the others may finetune the abundances to your liking. Feel free to cut them in half or down to a quarter, as you wish. I explained my thoughts and the my logic behind atmospheric heights and abundance comparison between planets Eve, Kerbin and Jool. So a baseline is there (i remember something about a 1500 gravi tank in 70 days @ Jool's Ring to take it home if I remember correctly (reason: you get the chance to meet the next tranfer window home for newtonian transfers)) - please feel free to finetune this baseline to make the mod meet your vision of it. Cut in half means 140 days... cut it to a quarter means 300 days for this tank... There is a stock ModuleResourcecollector? Where is it used in stock? In Stock KSP I only know of the drill which needs a solid ground to drill in - which is obviously not the usecase of your new shiny collector (Did I mention, that i like the startrek looks of it?) How does the resourcemodule in stock work, that you mentioned, which seems not to work with spacdust-introduced ressource bands in space? I am interested in the game mechanics behind it.
  10. By planetary I meant in a planetary SOI. E.g. near Eve... will it continue to use the FFT Spacedust collector or will the bussard collector not work near planets?
  11. Aaah right... forgot about this trick... will try this. How is the planetary harvesting supposed to work? Does it use Spacedust belts or does it harvest "everywhere" ?
  12. @Angel-125 Somehow I wonder, if this might not be intended behavior because you reserved the full volumina for tge full circle? But how is it intended to be brought to orbit/ other planets?
  13. The spacedust collectors are activated manually. And when they are activated they collect if they are placed in an ressource containing area. I think, there is a plugin made by nertea for this mechanism. They collect also when the vehicle is unloaded / not in flight scene. Maybe it helps to have a look at nerteas code in the github repo to understand what it can do. Maybe you can make Blueshift hook into the mechanisms. https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/SpaceDust Maybe it saves you some work and headache. You could make Spacedust a dependency. It's just a simple stand-alone-able Mod with not so much parts (but remember, the exo-collector is not part of spacedust. This explicit part belongs to FFT, which uses Spacedust as dependency)
  14. I think I found a bug: Have a look at this bundle... If I only have Auxilium Parts mounted, I can close the fairing. But as soon as I add the Porta Astria (non-aux) instead of an Aux-Module I can't close the fairing around them anymore. Even more, I a click into an empty space near the PA Part, the PA part is selected. Something is wrong about it's colliders or so. You can also track it down, if you only load the PA and compare its Height/Width/Length in KSPs VAB tool to the PA Auxilium. Without a fairing around it, it's hard to launch the stuff. Maybe the dragcube is also affected? I hesitate to put this part into one of my SSTOs. @Angel-125
  15. The basket version looks a bit like the PK-EXO from Far Future Tech by Nertea. Sure you want to close up to the same astetics/design? It is much work to do extend/retract animations of such a basket.
  16. Since Gravi is rare, and there a no ways to produce it like antimatter (in the FFT Mod: produceable under usage of veeeery much ECs (i guess it was 10.000 EC/s), fissionable materials and monstrous amounts of heat), I would prefer, that it does not boil off/diminish. In the FFT Mod, we have already things boiling of (like Cryo Fuels in CryoEngines Mod by nertea) if not cooled using ECs or having to be contained using ECs because it will explode if not (Antimatter in the FFT Mod by Nertea)... no need to copy those mechanisms.
  17. Mechjeb? Isn't that the autopilot thing? Mhhh... It kinda breaks my laziness threshold to too easy ...
  18. Haven't run in these issues yet. But when you say, it runs all the time, I wonder, why the tool shows me, its percentage during calculation, when I used it in my maximum laziness. Looked to me more like a run upon function call by user... but if you say so, than it is this way. Is there a compromise to totally deactivating it, by only let it run upon function call via ingamebutton? What happens when the tool is disabled? Is the button also cleared out or only disfunctional? But the alarm clock feature from 1.12 still works, right? Another question. I accidentally activated the disk caching of textures upon KSPCF. Where can I disable it. I remember, that there is no config entry for this.
  19. But this happens only when you use the calculation, right? Or does it destabilize the game even if you don't perform a maneuver creation calculation?
  20. Ah okay... due to kopernicus unpleasent bugs with shadows on my system (see thread there, fix inbound) i don't have planet mods currently installed, so I can't validate, how much is the usage on interstellar travel happens. so feel free to change the values and make a better proposal. I just took the gravitanksize as a baseline. By the way... while playing around with the outer planets i think i remember, that I almost drained the integrated gravitank of a warpcore. Might be, that interstellar travels are very efficient and interplanetar eats much more gravi? I think a warpcore eats gravi over time and not distance, right? So a slow ship needs more gravi per trip, I guess... I remember that the in-planetary-SOI-warping on approach to Sarnus (or was it Neidon?) and the other gas giants were very slow and gravi munching. There is a harsh slowdown near big gravity sources (like the Frameshift drive in Elite Dangerous has) My values were just an initial proposal. Feel free to tweak them further. What factor do you consider? Current abundances × 0.3? 0.2 ? 0.1? 0.05?
  21. Try this config. It contains Angels fixes from his pre-release 1.7.8 plus my configs for Spacedust belts (Jool, Kerbin and Eve), which are to be verified by some other players ... So try to replace the Spacedust.cfg in the Blueshift\patches directory with this file: https://www.filemail.com/d/yuobrelsxkenlvs
  22. Just set up an Graviolium-Storage-Extension to my orbital refueling station that already harvested trace gases from Kerbins exosphere (I did give it some exosphere by Spacedust configs a while ago). Now it can also collect gravi over weeks and months, in case a warp ship (to be developed) comes around and needs fuel. The four harvesters (one points alway almost prograde, so the orientation of the station has not steadily be corrected) are currently retracted as you can see due to some refit work, which is necessary since the day Sahra Kerman discovered the strange particles that are near the station after a firmware upgrade to their spectrographic tracegas analyser. Maybe they can be harvested? Maybe they can be eaten? We will have to do some research to find out, what we can do with them. Maybe pour them out as topping on Minmusian ice cream? We will see. Or is it just a firmware bug of the scanner? Sahra dreams of ice cream toppings... Meanwhile at the KSC: "We are gonna die, aren't we?" .... B. Kerman looks at some draft of upcoming blue prints of some kind of more effective and more portable harvester for those strange ice cream topping particles.... "You know, playing around with gravity ... is ... dangerous... My professor at the Kale University also said so.... And this not just a boat race against Koxford...". Jeb smiles back "They are glowing and spinning. They must be great!"... So much for my playtesting ;-) I'm havin' fun.
  23. Depends on moment of inertia of each rotor and rotational speed of each rotor... but I guess, the spinning things inside the module do not effect physics calculations at all. It was more a rhetoric question. Yes, you are right in general. But I do not want to interfere in Angel's design decisions. It's his mod and his design. To my mind, I like the design intended by Angel. For me many KSP Mods live by those little cute details.
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