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Everything posted by Rakete

  1. @Gotmachine I think i might have found a nasty sideeffect. Since I installed the community fix pack sometimes KSP eats my craftfiles. I usually save my builds before launching testwise. Since I installed the fixes, sometimes the game refuses to load the flightscene foe launch and throws me back to the KSC-outside. Because I have saved the craft before launch it is as messed up as the autosaved vehicle and refuses to show the staging (shows its elements horizontally in a green box starting with a + symbol...). No interactions with the displayed craft in the vab are possible, so that i can't ve repaired. It doesn't even close the load window, after loading a messed up craft file. Something in the crafteditor seems not to work. I could not reproduce it. Sometimes it happens if I use one of my standardlifters and remove two of four boosters. Hadn't had it after uninstalling the community fixes. Unfortunately i have no log at hand, when this happens, as it happens random for me. Also i have no messed up craft at hand, cause I deleted it in a fury. :-) unfortunately... I ate a craft i was working on 5 hours. My fault not to save different itterations ×D. It drove me nuts today. may be keep an eye on that behavior... I will deliver a log, when it happens again.
  2. Sorry for my stupid question, but is there a picture gallery with all the parts in this mod and where can the actual adoption fork or linuxguru be found and downloaded?
  3. Bugreport: Visual: Exhaust of Frisbee flickering / engaged even if throttled to zero.... Test it in orbit. @Nertea 2nd topic: Any chance to geht this better solution to make it Stock-KSP-Working?
  4. Hadn't have the time to check out the pre-release. Did you really manage to kill the evil robotic drift bug without causing nasty side-effects? I am impressed.
  5. @Gotmachine Is it possible, to make your QoL-Changes optional? I'd like to opt-out this one: PAWStockGroups [KSP 1.10.1 - 1.12.3] Can you provide a config, to opt-in/out of several changes?
  6. Didn't know this... Strange kind of coding, if a connection between two parts acts like an own part... Not quite intuitive to the user So I used some power of my i7 9700 to calculate arcane autostruts @Gotmachine Think, I found a nice bug in KSP worth fixing: If you have docked a vehicle to a spacestation (eg. using a mk2 docking port and a shielded docking port) and have several autostruts engaged of several types (e.g. grandfather, heaviest part etc). the following happens if you use the rotation feature of the docking port. It does not twist anymore around the docking axis. In some cases it twisted along an other axis causing mechanical tension on the parts, finally causing things to break apart. Example: Dock the shared Phoenix-SSTO (pure stock) to the Docking arm of the Yggdrasil-Station in the save: https://www.filemail.com/d/qvjymjdtuzenqzk and than try to dockrotate.... it will cause mechanical tension and break. Same goes for the sj. Docking ports of the station (You might need the Nertea Mods :-) for the savegame )
  7. Another question: Is there a way to set the default autostrut mode if all parts (stock and modded parts) to certain value? E.g. I use grandfather mode at almost every part. It would save me a whole bunch of clicks, if I could set it to a certain value. Same goes for rigid attachment (in most parts turned on). Is there an easy MM patch, that runs after loading all parts and sets their default autostrut and rigit attachement values to a desired value?
  8. Just a question: How does the Dockingport fix of the community pack interfere with the stock fix since 1.12.3 ? Or does ist not apply to 1.12.3?
  9. Bug Report Type: Visual, Severity: Medium Solarreflexions of the H375-72 Methane-Tank are broken (Twisted 180° around z-Axis) @Nertea Newest CT-Version installed.
  10. Addendum: I am not sure, if this bug report above belongs to FFT or NFP, since I have most of the Nertea mods installed... anyway, I guess nertea will know where to put this report.
  11. @Nertea Bugreport: Type: Visual The dorsal nozzle of the HeFt/LiFt RCS-Thrusters is misaligned. The plume is correct and orthogonal to the module. The nozzle itself is not. Some Kerbal must have dropped the module while taking it to the VAB.
  12. As for the discussed drain valve. It has its place. I use it to drain remaining oxidizer of my SSTOs after ascent, before switching to the nervas. Also it is useful for planes to jetison excess fuel before landing to easy the impact of touchdown, like RL-planes do if they have to land unexpectly and are to heavy. Most useless part? The not-rockomax cube. Never had any use for it.
  13. No problem with near-future electrics or far futures fusion reactors...
  14. Compatible to 1.12.3? How are they balanced? How many ECs do they consume? Some more pictures of them in action?
  15. @Nertea Any chance to get a fix in that or a short info, how to fix it for myself in the configs?
  16. Is the bugged exhaustplume of the tharsis, which does not move with gimbal movements, also fixed?
  17. Alright, I just thought of a bright flash in the moment the FTL performs it's jump. Unfortunately I am no programmer and can't offer any help...
  18. Is it considered to add some kind of a nice visual effect of spool-up/jump? E.g. similar to battlestar galactica?
  19. Is this mod compatible with vessels using modded parts? E.g. vehicles using the Near Future Mod parts? Does it have incompabilities to visual mods like Waterfall or Spetra etc?.
  20. Hiho, I don't have any scatterer installed (munches to much FPS). Just Spectra 1.4 (not the newest version), Eve Redux (needed for spectra), ksp 1.12.2 and a bunch of Nertea-Mods. Uninstalled all other mods. Still the same. Unfortunately I am not on the pc for some days, so I can't deliver screenshots atm. Will do later on.
  21. Bugreport for 0.6.2. Tested with newest Waterfall: 0.7.0 and KSP 1.12.2 Vector plumes makes whole enginebell exterior glow blue outside (Plume does not fit in engine bell) (tested 2 of 3). Vector plumes disappears behind planetary surface after reaching a certain hight. Only the part in front of the black skybox can be seen, what's in front of the surface is cut away. Climbing higher is effect goes away suddenly. Interference with Spectra's Volumetrics ?! Haven't tested the other engines. Reverted back to 0.5.2 for now.
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