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Everything posted by Rakete

  1. I set the open funds to zero as i do a science mode playthrough. I did the following: 1. Place runway. 2. Push the make launch site button. 3. Setup every value to zero (as preset) 4. Set category to Runway 5. Set up for SPH. 6. Save Launchsite options, save static setup. A open up launchsite button was not there. Where should I click? The KK-Toolbar symbol on right-hand side of the screen had only options to repair all statics and something with facilities (can't remember)... but there were only two buttons.... what did I miss? Should there have been three? Can you provide a screenshot where to click to open up the Launchsites, please? Question 2: are there statics like roads or paved ways to connect launchsides/runways? Question 3: How do I get to know the orientation, vessels are placed on these launchpads/runways... so e.g. if they start East to west, or west to east on the placed runway.
  2. Hi... I tried KK in my 1.12.3 install. I managed to add a second runway to the KSC but it does not accept it as a launchsite, even if i configure everything. I want to launch a plane from the SPH i can't select the runway as Launchsite. What have I overlooked? Same for further launchpads. The Runway was configured as launchsite for SPH. The Launchpad für VAB. Here is my KSP-Log: https://www.filemail.com/d/xecgjoxliyzbxst
  3. How much impact does adding statics like the tundra pads to the KSC have on performance e.g. on launching bigger vessels? Does it have an impact or is it totally neglectable? Is it more CPU or GPU eating?
  4. Is there some kind of youtube video to be introduced how SC and EL work together? Somehow I missed the point of understanding, how all that fancy stuff works with all those nice printer-arms etc.
  5. But only for the new patch. For the versions before I have to unlock both of them, right? Hadn't got the time to increment my KSPCF version yet.
  6. Just a question for understanding: when (both) the dockingports are unlocked, the crossing autostruts are disabled? And after locking them again the autostruts are re-connected?
  7. Buyoancy: Mhhh strange.... in my tests there was a difference, but i did not test it twenty times only two to three times. Mhh.. then ignore my input. Rotation of ports: So it will not happen, if I unlock both opposed ports? I will try it tomorrow or so. Today it's too late. (Almost after midnight in my timezone). And yes i had KSPCF 1.10.1 installed.
  8. Addendum to my previous post: The dockingport-twistfix does not work properly: here some docked Sr. Ports, I tried to rotate - they bend around the wrong axis): I could provide a Savefile for this. but unlike my SSTO from the previous post (which was stock) for the buyoncy issue, you'd need all of those mods (mostly Nertea-Stuff) for the complete savefile for this dockingport issue: (But none of them affect the sr. docking ports) If you want to track this dockingport issue down, here is my savefile: https://www.filemail.com/d/lwiotjwxskxkhqu Just load the quicksave - it should put you directly to the shown station. Just play around with the docking port's twisting option.
  9. @Gotmachine Here an example SSTO. (available only for 7 days for download cause the filehoster is free :-) ) https://www.filemail.com/d/ikubflaplrpwdrm Did several tests with it. With your patch: Breaks upon water entry reproduceable. Without buyoncy patch: does not break in the splash moment reproduceable. Test scenario: Fly fully crewed SSTO over water, drain all fuel (press AG 6 and 7 to open Ox and LF valves - emergency landings require empty tanks)... stage through until all emergency parachutes open. Let it glide into the water. Vehicle is fully stock (KSP may moan, cause it does not find waterfall if you try it in a fully stock environment - that's the only non-stock-thing about it (Waterfall + Stock waterfall effects), that KSP may want complain about... Happens in a clean stock 1.12.3 install for me. When does the buyoncy integrator re-enable? upon situation = splashed down ? or upon situation = flying low? Otherwise: just have fun with this little SSTO :-) (Normal Flight scenario is written in the part description ingame (unfortunately in german)) (It is my Phoenix from this post in the latest iteration: For all the others here: You may also have fun with the craft, If you like it.
  10. Yeah, that's the reason I would like to opt-out before loading/executing anything of this special Fix/Optimization. Mhh... Does disabeling this caching afterwards in the menue delete the cache folder created for this - or does the user have to deep dive into the folders to find the disk space muncher Anyway, I feel this could be separated from the rest of the mod by an extras-folder. Little bugreport for the buyoncy patch. If I enable this patch the more complex vehicles break apart upon a parachuted waterlanding. Maybe the re-enabling of the buyoncy calculator happens too late? Especially bigger vehicles don't enter the water in a single frame. E.g. i have an SSTO which can emergency land in water by parachutes. It breaks apart upon using the performance fix.
  11. Why no cfg-settings-entry? I mean, why open up a second place, where someone can set up the desired settings for this Mod?
  12. @Nertea Are the devbranch NFE2.0 things code-wise fully compatible to the NFE 1.0 stuff? Can you provide a package as such a merge? I am not sure how to do it. It would be a shame to throw away those nice nfe 2.0 things, in which you put so much effort in.
  13. Yes, I value the big NFE 1.x reactors with thousands of EC/s. There is no easy way of merging NFE 1.x and NFE 2.x stuff myself? Somehow i can't find the dev branch. Is it not public?
  14. Would really like to see nfe 2.0 since it would be very sad, to mothball all those great things, Nertea made for it. Is there a beta of NFE 2.0 with backwards compatibility downloadable? Is it working? Somehow i'd like to have those fancy fancy reactors.
  15. @Gotmachine Since you are the expert on drifting things in KSP, can you do something against the drift of vehicles on even the smalles slopes e.g. in the mun or e.g. drifting of a heavy plane on the runway if you do not take off imediatly after loading in? Really really appreciate your work. It should have been done by the devs. Thanks for all those efforts.
  16. Implementation proposal: Additional dV and Burntimecountdown Readouts for the current stage Considdering only active engines (currently all already staged engines are considdered in the calculation, which is usefull e.g. for the far future engines from nertea, but an additional readout for only the active engines would be good for multi-engine-SSTOs, where you turn off rapier in favor of nervas. Refinement of dV-calculation: engines, that are slightly tilted out of the prograde-direction. E.g. nerteas radial spaceX-like capsules and radial Monofuel engines.... the stock dV readouts are more precise since they do the math of calculating the part of the exhaust, that is directed prograde.
  17. Just a short question. Today a cat with a rainbow flag runs over my loading screen. I tracked it down to Module manager. (all other mods uninstalled)... Is this an 1st of april joke? Does anybody else have this behavior?
  18. @Gotmachine I think i might have found a nasty sideeffect. Since I installed the community fix pack sometimes KSP eats my craftfiles. I usually save my builds before launching testwise. Since I installed the fixes, sometimes the game refuses to load the flightscene foe launch and throws me back to the KSC-outside. Because I have saved the craft before launch it is as messed up as the autosaved vehicle and refuses to show the staging (shows its elements horizontally in a green box starting with a + symbol...). No interactions with the displayed craft in the vab are possible, so that i can't ve repaired. It doesn't even close the load window, after loading a messed up craft file. Something in the crafteditor seems not to work. I could not reproduce it. Sometimes it happens if I use one of my standardlifters and remove two of four boosters. Hadn't had it after uninstalling the community fixes. Unfortunately i have no log at hand, when this happens, as it happens random for me. Also i have no messed up craft at hand, cause I deleted it in a fury. :-) unfortunately... I ate a craft i was working on 5 hours. My fault not to save different itterations ×D. It drove me nuts today. may be keep an eye on that behavior... I will deliver a log, when it happens again.
  19. Sorry for my stupid question, but is there a picture gallery with all the parts in this mod and where can the actual adoption fork or linuxguru be found and downloaded?
  20. Bugreport: Visual: Exhaust of Frisbee flickering / engaged even if throttled to zero.... Test it in orbit. @Nertea 2nd topic: Any chance to geht this better solution to make it Stock-KSP-Working?
  21. Hadn't have the time to check out the pre-release. Did you really manage to kill the evil robotic drift bug without causing nasty side-effects? I am impressed.
  22. @Gotmachine Is it possible, to make your QoL-Changes optional? I'd like to opt-out this one: PAWStockGroups [KSP 1.10.1 - 1.12.3] Can you provide a config, to opt-in/out of several changes?
  23. Didn't know this... Strange kind of coding, if a connection between two parts acts like an own part... Not quite intuitive to the user So I used some power of my i7 9700 to calculate arcane autostruts @Gotmachine Think, I found a nice bug in KSP worth fixing: If you have docked a vehicle to a spacestation (eg. using a mk2 docking port and a shielded docking port) and have several autostruts engaged of several types (e.g. grandfather, heaviest part etc). the following happens if you use the rotation feature of the docking port. It does not twist anymore around the docking axis. In some cases it twisted along an other axis causing mechanical tension on the parts, finally causing things to break apart. Example: Dock the shared Phoenix-SSTO (pure stock) to the Docking arm of the Yggdrasil-Station in the save: https://www.filemail.com/d/qvjymjdtuzenqzk and than try to dockrotate.... it will cause mechanical tension and break. Same goes for the sj. Docking ports of the station (You might need the Nertea Mods :-) for the savegame )
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