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Everything posted by Rakete

  1. As I exactly said: All I saw of KSP2... yet! ... Maybe it will surprise with a giant leap graphicswise to the releasepoint... but I didn't mean to complain about KSP2 but just wanted to point out how great the work of our modmakers is. And yes, to my mind those effects from parallax2, Eve Redux's new volumetric clouds, Scatterer's beautiful coloring (especially with spectra), waterfall's plumes are currently visually ahead of what I saw in KSP2s shown dev footage. Even with my old rig based on a i7 9700k and a gtx 1060. KSP2's landscape is a bit simplistic in the shown footage. One last sidenote. KSP2 at release simply can't be as feature rich as my heavily modded KSP1 install, with over 40 mods installed. They simply cannot deliver as many parts and stuff, than the 40 mods do. That is kinda natural. It is impossible to take every nice mod and make it stock KSP2. KSP2 will be a nice foundation, that the modders will use as a springboard to make it even look better than a heavily modded ksp1 - given that will be as accessable to hook into as KSP 1 is. I look forward to a growing mod catalogue for KSP 2. To my mind there will be the following comparison of awesomeness: KSP 1 stock < KSP2 stock < KSP1 heavily (!) modded < KSP2 modded
  2. All I saw of KSP2 did not came anywhere near to what mods do to KSP1. Sorry, but if KSP2 does not improve drastically to release I will stick for some more years with my heavily modded KSP1-Install... For me: Kopernicus, OPM, Waterfall, Eve Redux, Spectra and Scatterer = (Plus many Part-Mods like the Nertea-Suite, Blueshift etc...) Parallax is a little too much for my old 1060 gpu in order to get decent fps
  3. Just set up a basic relais network for Mun, Eve, Duna and Moho for further unkerbaled missions in my actual playthrough. Jool, Dres, Sarnus etc. later down the road... pretty straight forward, so no pics today. Had way to much fun with my new installation of scatterer and Spectra 1.6.2...
  4. I saw this, when I tried it out. That's why i chose the non-vibrant variant. In fact, i didn't see much of a difference directly landed on Kerbin between both settings. Maybe I am colorblind. Should've taken screenshots for direct comparison, but forgot about it. You mean the Kerbnet-Thingy? I never used it... maybe I should have a look at it.
  5. Bugreport: Etna-Engine has no Plumes on the turbopump-exhausts @Nertea Might be of interest for you
  6. Addendum: Here an examplecraft of a launchpad-Kraken. It desintegrates right after loading. Back in the day, when it was designed (To take Ore as a "universal fuel" ressource to a big refuelerstation) it did not explode on launchpad - back in the day somewhere along 1.11 and the release of KSP 1.12... where KSPCF wasn't a thing... So maybe the launchpad krakenfix of KSPCF has downsides too... This is for debugging/improvement for you, if you wish. This craft is pure stock and comes from a pure stock playthrough (except waterfall then) and will be available for 7 days from now on: https://www.filemail.com/d/nkrpjscnwdpxbnh
  7. Honestly, i didn't know. I just thought of the famous StarTrek shipyards.
  8. @Gotmachine @NathanKell QoL-Proposal: Offer an option to make the target time of the "skip to next morning"-button of Stock KSP adjustable. Reason: the most beautiful lighting happens way earlier than the button timecode targets. For me it's the sunrise (using Spectra & Scatterer). I think, the option to adjust the target time of the button would be a nice qol-feature for many people using visual mods for beautiful atmospherics effects. The stock skip to next morning button currently switches to a time at almost noon, lightingwise. Meeeeh... adustable would be perfect. E.g. here: Had this yesterday with one of my superheavy ore-transporters. It now krakenizes right on the launchpad reproduceable upon loading on the launchpad, which it did not, when I designed it - (1.11 before KSPCF.... maybe some little tiny imperfection in the loading-kraken-fix
  9. Don't let Gene Roddenberry read that... Maybe the shipyards from the mirror universe?
  10. Found the reason: I forgot to take the Spectra_Scatterer folder from the extras. I somehow expected the Spectra-folder to be complete and sensitive to scatterer's presence. I had only the Spectra_Eve folder Took the spectra_scatterer folder from the extras to gamedata/spectra and it seems to work and change the scattering. By the way, what does the vibrant sunset-extra adjust? Are there some previews for all the extras as screenshots available? There are so many optional extras. Is it intentional, that Eve 's atmosphere does not allow guesses ,where the landmasses are?
  11. In which release was this fixed? Had a Base with the adjustable legs using SSPRx 2.0.6 and they drift/slide along the ground surface.
  12. Enjoyed Sunrise in a prop-plane (Plane is unintenionally pure stock and fuelcell powered (even with my heavy modded install), visuals Spectra & Scatterer ) This is the green baron
  13. Used the newest Spectraversion and newest Scattererversion: Is Eve supposed to look like this? Can't see any of the landmasses.... Bug or feature? Also Kerbin: No tint on the day/knight boarder: manuall install done. Have Spectra folder and Scattererfolder in my Gamedata. Scatterer runs on SMAA, if this is a concern.
  14. @Knight of St John Tested your newest configs in combination with Scatterer's newest version can confirm: The issue to be seen here has not been fixed. First reported here: I understood your post here, in a way, that the newest configs would contain a fix. So maybe, if you like, you may want to have a look at the issue again? Reverted to SMAA for scatterer and Stock waterfall effect 0.5.2 Waterfall framework is the newest one installed.
  15. Ahhh... I see that. Alright... just was confused. Had a look at DSEV, but already have the need for such parts covered by other already installed mods (Mainly SSPRx, FFT etc.). But nice to have an alternative for another playthrough.
  16. Where are the fusion torches from? I don't recognize them being from Near or Far Future tech? I almost have all NF and FF-Mods and all the other Nertea-Mods like CE, KA, etc. installed. What nice visual mod is there running ? I have spectra and Eve Redux installed, but yours looks better. (I miss out on scatterer due to FPS)
  17. Mh I found a way around it: I just built a dockable gravi drop tank, that makes any ship able to pass through a jumpgate. Even my SSTOs. So the SSTOs go by gate and not by warp. Maybe i someday get around to wondering about matching warp capability > 1c, over 2500dV in orbit remaining, LF-reserves for atmospheric flights upon reentry and nice streamlined shape... mhhhh.... i don't use the KFS-Parts, so... yeah... it's kinda difficult to me.
  18. Ah okay, didn't observe it, since I play without fusion pellets cause FFT is present in my install. Strange behavior. Somehow a video how this works somewhere? I am curious, how this works. Also, how do you get it to orbit? The lifter must be huge.
  19. How did you get negative costs on the big buffalo rig?
  20. Aahhhh... I should get Buffalo, i guess... cute little truck. How is the gate base attached to the truck bed? I see no claws or decouplers? Has the truckbed also a decoupling node? I love this tiny truck. Compared to this truck my gate deployer is really ugly. (Was a quick&dirty solution)
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