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Everything posted by davide96

  1. I'll try to make a video, but I can say that this happen even in the stock system at the original scale and if I remove the SAS and RCS during the reentry entry the capsule start to rotate in all the directions.. The unbalance is present in the atmosphere too at the end of re entry.
  2. as you can see the rcs are trying to keep the capsule on prograde, the re entry path isn't too steep (-300 m/s), the pitch control is completely down trying to keep the prograde vector without success.... how can I solve?? modifying the CFG file? @damonvv @adriangm44
  3. The elevator for the astronauts was like....OMG perfect. I'll try to do that, I'm playing with a ksp stock system but rescaled up at 10.6x and during the re-entry the speed it's like 7200 m/s
  4. I think I'll wait till 1.12...should be released on 24th of june, maybe this will be fixed
  5. @damonvvhi, I have a little problem, my crew dragon capsule is not stable during the reentry....so intead of pointing retrograde, position itself (during the reentry) with the nose cone pointing up. why? is this happening only to me? The reaction wheel isn't powerful enough?
  6. Hi all, I'm having an issue with my shadows...can anyone help me please??
  7. I solved, by unistalling FAR because it's incompatible and I wasn't able to deploy the chute when they are placed inside a part
  8. hi, I'm encountering problems with real chute, when I place the chute on the pod I move them inside the pod, but when I heve to deploy them...they remain stowed and the message is : PARACHUTE DEPLOYMENT FAILED. REASON : PARACHUTE IS IN FAIRINGS. can some one help me???
  9. @KartoffelkuchenKartoffelkuchenis there any waterfall config? Can you help me how to create the config? When the version 6.6 will come out? Thanks Davide
  10. I have the same problem, playng at 10.618x scale
  11. I have created one two month ago, I can share it with you...but don't know how
  12. Hi all, I'm having some framerate issue, I'm playing at 10.618x and when on the moon the game it's compleately unplayable, can I try with parallax?
  13. I think that you have to create a MM patch, at least on for real fuel
  14. hi all, is there a config for "KK's SpaceX Pack"??? how can I make it??? can someone help me please??
  15. installed KJR removed and placed again the solar panels and now works fine. Thanks a lot man!!!
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