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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. Awesome! I hope planet reveals are a continuing :friday: trend!
  2. All of the blue is the wrong blue. Maybe they lost that bucket of paint?
  3. Could something like that be used to protect astronauts on a mission to another planet?
  4. Could you have the third kerbal on the opposite side of the capsule facing the other two?
  5. I think that’s a Kopernicus thing. The author hasn’t changed it yet. It’s more than likely fine as long as you have the right Kopernicus version.
  6. The bottom pictures are the ones that are not correct. Yours looks fine. Make sure you have Kopernicus.
  7. Well I did actually. @Dman979 has an EVEN better way though.
  8. When I logged on just now, I got a popup related to updated rules. It required an agreement before continuing on the forums. I read through and I couldn't tell what changed. Can you enlighten me? This is excellent..Thank you.
  9. Have you tried it with the latest version of Kopernicus? There is no reason it shouldn’t work.
  10. D  O  T

    D  O  T

    D  O  T

    D  O  T

    D  O  T

    1. Stormpilot


      It’s the number of D O T S he has which shows how many post he has posted

      Though if this is Morse code he is saying SI

  11. I guess I do. TUBM will have less than 100
  12. RO is Realism Overhaul. It is a mod for KSP. If you have CKAN you can search for it and install it. Mind you the latest version it works on is 1.10.1 https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155700-181-1101-realism-overhaul-v1311-29-jun-2021/
  13. Same. I only now mentioned it because it seems to be a significant thing that they want people to see. My guess is that the post is hidden and then revealed which “posts” it, but not in the typical manner. This happened with TOTM at one point.
  14. Done! I’m not sure what’s changed but I haven’t been getting notifications from these announcements.
  15. Granted, you go to the Antarctic circle. I wish that ion engines functioned like in Star Wars.
  16. Not really…. They make YouTube videos about space part-time. Neither of them are in the aerospace industry. Scott is a software developer and Matt is an optician. Plus ML doesn’t really play with mods. Large missions to Mars take A LOT of time with RO anyway. There is actually a decent sized RO community. Why not try it yourself and ask for help is you need it?
  17. Would this allow separate production lines for launch vehicles and payloads? For example, could someone have a stockpile of Kerbal X rockets and then pay a storage fee while waiting for the payloads to finish?
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