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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. I find it odd and worrisome that it took everything the CM's had to tell us the KERB reports were going monthly, but made it a point to straight away tell us there would be no weekly challenge today.
  2. That's how I felt reading that whole post. Especially the Apollo stuff. Gotta say I was even a bit fooled into thinking it was real. If you'd have stopped before mentioning fractions, I might have fallen for it totally.
  3. Granted. You somehow sail away from Taratupa without being noticed by commanding officers, end up in German-controlled water, and end up in the same German gulag/prison as the rest of Hogan's Heroes. Oooh! Now I want to see that cross-over! I wish for that to actually happen! I want to see a cross-over of McHale's Navy, Hogan's Heroes...and MASH!
  4. The syntax of your "question" indicates that you are making more of a statement and less of asking a question. Which means the question is invalid, and therfore unanswerable. If Jack Sprat could eat no fat, and his wife could eat no lean, then why didn't they just swap plates?
  5. So close, and yet so very far away. Hello @Nazalassa
  6. That's yer Union Hill over there. This here is Ar(kansas) Union Hill over here.
  7. Using words that sound the same but with different spellings is cheating.
  8. Or seeing what we are talking about and going "Yeah...no, that's not happening."
  9. I whole-heartedly disagree. While I admit it would make it far easier to explore the Joolian moons if you built one on, say, Laythe, that doesn't mean balance is thrown off. You still need to have the resources available to first build the VAB, and then to build craft. It could be as abstract as "You have shipped resources to [insert colony name]", or it could be as detailed as "You need ore and methane at [insert colony name]". And that doesn't include crew; just because you have Jeb on Kerbin doesn't mean he transports instantly to Dres. It also becomes an issue of actually flying to other bodies from those distant VAB locations. We all know that the phase angle for a Duna transfer from Kerbin is something like 44ish degrees. Approximately. But what is the phase angle going from Eve? Or from Eeloo? Not to mention you have to account for the inclination of the body you are on relative to the body you want to go to. And this doesn't even include that you can't transfer from a moon to another planet; you have to go from moon to its parent SOI, then from that parent SOI to either Kerbol or direct to the next planet. So if you wanted to go from Ike to Eve, it'd be Ike to Duna, then Duna to Eve. And while we're on the subject of interplanetary transfers from places other than Kerbin, fuel really becomes a big issue. It's far less expensive to go Kerbin-Eve than it is to go Eeloo Eve. Or, the Kerbal gods forgive, Jool to Moho. So you'll want to space those extra-Kerbinular VAB locations throughout the Kerbol system so as to not have to use more fuel than necessary (which still doesn't alleviate the potential need for resource X on Moho needing to end up on your Vall colony).
  10. Probably. It is what it is at this point. I think maybe I'm just that one weirdo the devs didn't plan on having and I'm coming up with the ideas that break their stuff.
  11. So after spending weeks and weeks to get to Tylo...I was able to get to Eeloo's SOI and back in one go. It's a side mission to get into Eeloo's SOI, but this was far easier than getting to the surface of Tylo. I collected some Science along the way, and I transmitted back what I could. But the samples have to be returned to the KSC, so I tried to get this thing home. And failed. I underestimated how much dV I'd need to get back to Kerbin by about 1000 or so, so I attempted the all-too-common direct descent. That shot shows me using all of my available fuel, but I actually stopped burning just as soon as the red indicator for a collision came up. Which left me with about 1500 or so m/s of fuel, which I started burning as soon as I hit the upper atmosphere. I was able to slow down enough to pop the parachutes at about 6500 meters, which is far better than I thought I'd get. Unfortunately, I brought along the wrong chutes, so I only got down to 25 or so m/s of speed. Crashed upon impact. Oh well, at least I got some science out of this, plus the 8k for getting into Eeloo's SOI. For what it's worth, I think the mission to Tylo comes way too soon. "Orbit Kerbin. Now go to the Mun. Now Minmus. Now Duna. Now shoot for the edge of the solar system and land on one of the densest rocks out there." Way too soon. That mission shouldn't come up until we've at least gotten large hydrogen engines. Which begs the question: If contracts in KSP1 can be available based upon what you've already accomplished and parts you already have, why can't KSP2?
  12. If I have a docking port at the top of the rocket, for docking with something already up there, I put a nose cone right on the port and undock it when I git space. Works in KSP1.
  13. So i launched my transfer stages this morning without nose cones...and they worked as expected. My flying was bad, but thats a different story. How is it possible that we have effectively one-time-use docking ports? And why isn't this a higher priority?
  14. And I have completed my Tylo mission. I was able to get into Tylo's SOI like I predicted/hoped for - using Jool as a gravity well, and then getting a "free" encounter with Tylo. The odd thing is that I ended with a Joolian Ap of 5+ million km, which took over a year to get to after entering Jool's SOI. And then another year to get the Tylo encounter. So 2+ years just to get to Tylo. Which I did: So, you'll notice that Stage 1 has 950 m/s of dV remaining, while the lander stage - Stage 2 - has 0. Which is why I brought up the Resource panel, so you can see that the tanks on Stage 2 actually do have fuel in them. And I cannot for the life of me figure out why this is. Is this due to the engines on Stage 2 not being activated? Or is it because of the docking port separating Stages 1 and 2? Either way, unsure. Anyhow, I was able to put the lander on the ground on Tylo: All that building, and the lander stage exploded upon impact. The rover inside survived, which is good. But the lander stage apparently had design issues. When I pointed this thing Retrograde (using the probe core on the rover as the control point) and then fired the engines, the thing spun wildly end-over-end. I think that's due to it being unbalanced inside; the rover sat near the back of the cargo bay, making that end heavier than the front. I like the rover design, but the lander needs work. Anyhow, driving off to the monument. I really REALLY REALLY like the rover design. It's simple, effective, and is responsive to commands. Unfortunately, brakes don't work unless you hold the B key, so unless you are on a perfectly flat piece of terrain, this thing rolls. Might need langing legs attached to keep it from rolling around. Anyhow... So the LKSA (Las Kerbas Space Agency) has touched down on Tylo. Where to next? I'm not sure, but I need a break after the multiple weeks I spent on this one mission alone.
  15. Well, I finally got the entirety of my Tylo mission docked and put together in LKO. If you'll take a look at that last image, you'll see something that's missing. Namely, a labradoodle engine on the central column. I am not sure how that happened, but I think that explains why I had that odd cloud the other day. But, I finally have this put together and I'm ready to try taking this thing to Tylo. My concern here is that the dV calculated in LKO right now shows 6,000 (ish; I'm rounding up a bit here), but the VAB showed I'd have like 8000ish. I cannot stress to the developers enough that the dV calculations need to be fixed. Pronto. We cannot keep putting missions together and assuming we have enough based on the bad math in the core loop. Anyhow, I'm going to try sending this thing off later today. We shall see what happens.
  16. No, you are correct. I was inferring manned missions, which was wrong.
  17. Come on shake your body baby do that Conga No you can't forget about it any longer Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger Come on shake your body baby do that Conga My hill now that you are all dancing away to Gloria Estefan.
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