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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Because it didn't have two daughters. If water is wet and sand is dry, is quicksand both? EDIT: Fresh pagination
  2. I have to agree with @MechBFP here. I don't know the exact timing, but there was some serious turnover and replacement of the developers at one point. Nertea didn't join until about a year before EA dropped, and Blackrack came in after. So while we all like to complain about the length of time this has taken (6 years total to this point), I think the true staging point is about a year, maybe 18 months, before EA dropped.
  3. And at what point should we start to expect some kind of speed then? Remember that this game was beyond delayed multiple times for YEARS. And now, in the span of 14 months - and in the face of being told "we are working on it!" - we have seen a handful of patches, grid-fins, and 1 content update. If they were going any slower, they'd be moving in reverse. How much leeway are we expected to give them after the endless promises of "it's almost ready" and "you are gonna love when we release [insert update here]"? I agree that quality should be provided over quantity. I also agree that you can't just go fast-fast-fast because people want you to. But at some point they need to move with haste.
  4. Although this may have changed, it was confirmed that we won't ever see robotics prior to 1.0. And at that, we may not ever see it in stock or DLC.
  5. As I mentioned in another thread, the thing that keeps me playing KSP1 is the contract system. I know that a lot of people don't like it, and that is ok because you should be able to play the way you want. Not everyone is going to like the same stuff. But I want...nay, NEED...direction and a reason to play. KSP1's contract system does that. What i think the contract system does well is that it gives me a purpose. Something to do. Go here, or build this, or check that out. I don't care about science points or funds (although early game funds are great as you have to plan around them). What I care about is the system continually generates things for me to do. Now, the contract system isn't without problems. Some missions are repetitive. Some are simply ridiculous (I have half the tech tree filled out in my current save and I got a contract to pull off 2 grand tours). Some don't make any sense. So it isn't perfect by any stretch. I loved the story missions in KSP2, and I couldn't wait to play just to do them. But there weren't enough of them, and once you were done that was it. While KSP1 continually generates contracts, KSP2 just has a set amount and that is it. And so, when I finished them, I just put KSP2 away and went back to KSP1. And what really hurts is that someone on discord confirmed that, even with colonies, there are no plans to alter or add to the story missions. Sigh. So yeah, I'm kind of waiting for the game to give me a reason to keep playing. Which I doubt happens any time soon.
  6. Well, the game is certainly overpriced for an EA title. @HarvesteR just released Kit Hack on Steam, and it's $16. Apparently, with multiplayer. And mod support. And a level editor. You know, all the things we get told are coming soon? https://store.steampowered.com/app/2107090/KitHack_Model_Club/
  7. Got time to come up with yet another weekly challenge, but no time to get that internal calendar sorted and get us a KERB or an update on development. Sigh.
  8. So I had this dream last night that I was at someone's house, and I'm not sure whose house it was. But the house seemed familiar, and it was like I was friends or family or at least on good terms with whomever owned the place. It was near the end of some trip (vacation, perhaps? Maybe just a simple "hey, how's it going" stopover?), and I had to do laundry before leaving. The washing machine was in the basement, at the bottom of this really old and rickety set of wooden steps. There was a light on in the basement from around the corner of where the washing machine was, but I needed to turn the light on over the machine itself, and there was a switch right next to me. I flipped the switch once, and the light didn't come on. I immediately - IMMEDIATELY - said to myself "I'm dreaming", and flipped the switch again. Still no light. Flipped it a third time, and the light came on long enough for me to get down the stairs. But when I hit the bottom of the stairs, the lights went out...and I woke up. Side note: I have issues turning lights on in my dreams. So when it happens, such as in the above example, I know I'm dreaming. It doesn't really help to turn the lights on, but it somewhat eases any tension I might be having knowing that what I'm seeing/experiencing isn't real.
  9. How exactly is this different than needing to bring ore somewhere? You are limited by the resources you have at your disposal to do a conversion, so I'm not sure I understand why you think being limited to on-board fuel levels would be a bad thing.
  10. Because, technically, the Earth is ovoid and not perfectly round due to gravity and rotation. If the Earth is ovoid, does this mean that we are all just products of an egg?
  11. Banned for being the new page police.
  12. There shouldn't be a net gain when doing conversions. Regardless of start and end products, the best you should be able to hope for is a 1:1 conversion rate. And even in KSP1 this didn't happen. With the Convert-O-Tron 125 you lost a boatload of ore in the conversion process.
  13. And continuing on today with the space station Nebuchadnezzar. As mentioned in a previous post, I'm going to build downward from the ring section first, and then outward. In looking at the reference material, the most logical thing I can think of to build when going downwards is a small fuel converter. Nothing major, as I only have access to the 125 currently. But I'm thinking that we can at least have some ore storage and a converter unit down there. And in looking at things, we need two separate launches - one for the convert-o-tron itself, and then a second for the 2 spokes coming out of the sides. So we send up the converter first: The reference material actually has another, smaller ring section to it, but I didn't feel it necessary to go through and build one that is, for all practical purposes, just a large fuel tank. So instead, I just used a large fuel tank. I put radial radiators on the converter, primarily because I know that the thing will overheat upon usage. I know - no amount of heat management will stop it from overheating. But maybe I can just delay the inevitable for a while. Maybe. You will also notice a jet engine on the bottom of this thing. Look at the reference material, and you'll see that there is this reactor thing at the very bottom of the station, and the only thing that comes close to looking like it is a jet engine. So we have a jet engine on the bottom merely for aesthetic purposes. Ah, the things we can build if we only think outside the box. Anyhow, it's now time to put the 2 spokes up onto the converter section. One of the spokes - the one to the right - contains several of the boxy-looking cargo refrigerator things. Each one holds an EC of 150, and as a bonus they can hold cargo. Not in the sense of true inventory, but if I put an engineer up there and do EVA construction, I can put stuff in them. And you need EC for the converter, so having these right here makes sense (at least to me). The second spoke - the one to the left - is 4 empty ore containers. I tossed and turned on whether or not to have them, and in the end I decided that it's easier to transfer ore to them and then send the ship that brought the ore back to wherever it came from, so we can do the conversion on the station itself, instead of docking a ship and then waiting for the conversion to be done before it leaves. Again, it makes sense to me. You'll notice that we are now starting to bleed color all through this thing. I wanted to have lights all over the place and have them mean different things, but after seeing this ridiculous mash of ugliness, I'm going to turn off a lot of the lights and just use them really sparingly. So the next few shots will be less saturated and should make more sense with the color scheme. And that's it for today. Another successful day at the Las Kerbas Space Agency! EDIT: Just when I thought I was done for the day, I get a contract to put someone on board the Nebuchadnezzar. And what did I say earlier? If I'm going to abandon a Kerbal on the space station, I'm going to get paid to do so. To the tune of ~250k funds. So I hired a new sucker astronaut and put him on board the station.
  14. Agreed. In a meta-sense, ISRU and fuel production is simply taking one energy type and converting it to another. In game terms, you take EC and simply change its variable type to methane, or monoprop, or what-have-you. At least in the interim, before full resources are implemented, anyhow. It's simply an abstraction of what will eventually come into the game where you will need a specific resource to be converted. To take this a step further, who says it has to only be EC that's converted? We already have multiple types of fuel in the game, right? Methalox, pure methane, monopropellant, hydrogen. Who is to say that we won't be able to convert one to another?
  15. This morning I continued working on the Nebuchadnezzar, attempting to craft the fuel depot portion of this thing. However, I realized that I did not have anything related to ISRU - no tanks, no drills, no converters (if those are a thing; I've never done ISRU in this game before!). So adding a fuel depot to the station wasn't going to get me anything at this point. I needed science points because, thankfully, the beginnings of ISRU are on the tier I'm currently working on. I casually waltzed into Mission Control and started poring over the various contracts different agencies wanted me to deal with. And looking through them, I found one to go start investigating Duna. Just a simple fly-by and some science. I can handle that, so I sent Jeb and Bob on a quest to go to Duna. And as soon as I hit Duna's SOI, a contract popped up to get into orbit of Duna. And after fiddling around with the maneuver node a bit in Duna's SOI, I realized I could swing into low Duna orbit, hit the thrusters and get an encounter with Ike. So I did that, collected all the science there (both high and low), and managed to snag this shot: Once I got all the sweet science points from Ike, I fired the rocket again and got into Duna orbit to complete that contract. By the time Jeb and Bob got home, I had collected 3,020 science points through gadgetry and contractual obligations. And thanks to that, I was able to open up the nodes to start dealing with ISRU. So now, tomorrow, I'll get to continue working on the station.
  16. Banned by a man with a slow hand.
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