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  • About me
    Retired modder.
  • Location
    Atomic Technologies Incorporated Administrative HQ
  • Interests
    One KSP to rule them all, one KSP to find them, one KSP to mod them all, and in the GitHub bind them; in the Land of YouTube where the ShadowZone lies.

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  1. A familiar face from back in the days when I was active in the forum 11/10
  2. I've already thrown the towel in; I'll pick it back up when there's news though
  3. I don't have a github repo for it. The current file available on SpaceDock should be a good starter for any fixes. The current issues were that the file organization is crap and that the Cheetah and Bobcat were broken by the recent Restock update. In my own install of RWE, the only change that I've made so far (that I've actually) is that I removed the Bobcat config (and avoided the Cheetah) so I could play KSP lol. I tried fixing the Cheetah but it's been a hot minute since I was familiar enough with KSP to make much progress with fixing it.
  4. It should work with Restock+ (I play with it ) I think I've got the RCS working but it's been a while since I looked into it. College and adjusting to it is a lot lol
  5. Even if this is repetitive, watch the @ShadowZone to cut through all of the noise/bad reporting. Personally, I think there's no hype. We just have new owners that're gonna keep trying to sell KSP 1/KSP 2.
  6. Boy, I tell you that ain't right. I'm gonna take this hill from you until you shape up.
  7. I'm beginning to work on a patch to fix the new bobcat and cheetah engine models in Restock.
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