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Maria Sirona

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Everything posted by Maria Sirona

  1. Start crying before some random human female starts to say men have no feelings Waiter! There's some guy shouting GLORY TO ARSTOTZKA! and asking for papers in my soup!
  2. @Space Kerbalisation Tech, @ColdJ, and @KSP_linux0191, you have violated rule number two. Therefore we shall restart the story from the 20th post on this thread onwards. My game, my rules.
  3. I bring GLORIOUS REVOLUTION to your hill and now it is just anither type of totalitarianism My communist dictatorship hill
  4. We're on [INSERT NAME OF PLANET WITH MORE THAN 1 G OF GRAVITY] Waiter! What is in my soup!
  5. I detonate a 1 megaton nuclear bomb, vaporising the hill. I make a new hill. My hill.
  6. Yes i can, it's the starship USS Enterprise NCC-1701-C! Waiter! There's the starship USS Enterprise NCC-1701-C in my soup!
  7. Goodnight ColdJ! Will @Ultimate Steve visit us today?
  8. It's frozen. The borscht had an anomalous property that transported us to the Franz Joseph land islands* without us knowing. Waiter! There's somebody trying to fish on the edge of the plate!
  9. @Aerodynamic Kerbal, Souptime was not answering one either. Let me just continue on from the last actual question on the thread which @Fraston has asked... So here the answer is: I don't know, maybe ask from the prophets I can haz Minmus being made of ice cream?
  10. Granted. Now it destroys your spaceships. I wish Minmus was made of ice cream
  11. Welcome to the forums, @Sp1f!
  12. @Spaceman.Spiff getting CNSA to kill Jeb does not change that the hill is mine. Still my hill
  13. I bribe Jeb by giving him 30 snacks and two SpaceX Starships to "forget" to guard the hill. My hill
  14. He crashed there. Let's take him to a safer location... Waiter! What happens if i put my soup into SCP-914?
  15. Meanwhile in orbit of Kerbin, Space Station One was existing in a 200 km-200 km polar orbit with an inclination of 89,7 degrees. -Hey, boss, a new message came from KSC! Dimensional spacetime anomalies have popped up everywhere! said communication officer Puhura Kerman on said space station. -Oh dam, we have to call Felbourn. He's gotten used to these things, answered to her the station's captain Haddock Kerman. -Huh? -Watch some Project Gateway and Project Odyssey! And then, the Station hit an anomaly. It was instantly teleported into space around a hundred kilometers above Vall, the moon of Jool- on a collision course! Thankfully, the intrepid crew of Space Station One quickly found their deducings and and realized what was happening. -How long until impact? asked Haddock under his breath. -According to the computer, 23 minutes and 27 seconds, answered Ondly Kerman, the Station's engineer. She was a smart young fella. -Well. What do we have? -Well, we have 2 Kerfalcon SSTO spaceplanes. Each has a crew capacity of 30, so the 58 member crew has enough escape pod. But the Kerfalcons don't have anywhere near the fuel needed. But we do have the atmosphere...
  16. @Space Kerbalisation Tech @Kapitalizing Every Word already dispensed a conspiracy theory!
  17. The Terrier is a very good vacuum engine. That's something i have learnt, and that's something i feel the need to tell.
  18. The home planet is called Kerbin, kerbals are the creatures
  19. For me eyeballing the launch window based on what at what degrees is the target ahead/behind and then just playing with the node till i get an ecounter is the best and most fun way
  20. REALLY GOOD until the spacecraft fell over On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you regret going to Eve?
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