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Everything posted by hugoraider

  1. Just remove 3 of those external tanks and we have UR-700 2nd stage .
  2. Wow, those new Proton parts look amazing! Can we expect a 3-engines 1st stage?
  3. Issue fixed: https://github.com/hugoraider/Buran-Orbiter-Construction-Kit/tree/development
  4. Yeah, don't worry about that, I've already asked him before using them the first time .
  5. Oh damn, guess I'll have to add the required textures to the Buran folder then .
  6. I didn't even know ejection seats were possible in KSP.
  7. Uh... Yeah, that's odd. Can you provide a screenshot?
  8. Wow! This looks amazing! You did it with kerbal Konstructs?
  9. Don't you think I'd have posted it if it was the case?
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