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Everything posted by hugoraider

  1. No, the engines aren't done yet, I'm working on them though.
  2. Buran Orbiter Construction Kit | V 0.3.5 Release Candidate 1 | Stockalike Soviet Orbiter Buran Orbiter Construction Kit (or BOCK for short) provides a set of parts to build a Kerbalized version of the Soviet space shuttle orbiter, better known as Buran. This mod is largely based on benjee10's Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit, without which it basically wouldn't exist. This is my first parts mod for KSP and I tried my best to provide the highest quality mod possible, now available for everyone to enjoy! Key features: Highly detailed Soviet Orbiter parts in a stockalike style at Kerbal scale Switchable Orbiter names & decals 2.5m diameter payload bay Best suited for 2.5X scale Kerbin, but will work fine with stock scale IMPORTANT: This mod DOES NOT include the Energia launcher, you will need TantaresLV in order to build it. It's not a dependency because it's perfectly possible to build a suitable launcher from stock parts! Screenshots: Users screenshots: Download: Dev version on GitHub Dependencies: Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit, including Buran cockpit and OMS pod (found under Extras folder on SOCK's GitHub) B9PartSwitch Waterfall HabTechProps Benjee10 Shared Assets Tantares Credits: hugoraider: 3D and textures work benjee10: animation JadeOfMaar: animation galopujacyjez: flags and decals Beale: Tantares textures
  3. Yes, the jet engines are planned, as well as OK-GLI nose gear. Other liveries aren't planned though, at least for now.
  4. Well, yes, that's my mod. I kinda wanted to make a new topic to announce it though... Anyway, yes, the cargo bay uses higher res textures than the cockpit and OMS pod, but that's cause benjee used 4096*4096 textures for Shuttle, but 2048*2048 for Buran, so I went along with it. Also, OK-GLI OMS pod has fake orbital engines because that's how it was on the real deal.
  5. Nope, it's back in active development! Well, not so active the past few days due to real life stuff, but still
  6. AFAIK benjee said there wouldn't be further development on Buran, at least for now. But I'm currently working on a SOCK-based Buran mod.
  7. So @JadeOfMaar found why the ballast doesn't work: there's a non-existent node defined in the cfg, so just delete it and it works! I also edited the 1st stage engine and fuel tank to adjust fuel amount and ratio and added the ballast filling module from ZeroKerbal/NecroBones Sea Dragon: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a8CcbYompMLwtNvGU5n_r4c2EtY49MEx/view?usp=drive_link
  8. Yeah, couldn't see what's wrong in the cfg either, maybe it's in the model itself? @AaronDoesSpace Could you please tell me how to enable the ballast? I'd really like to use it.
  9. Damn... that's a bummer, and pretty much kills the interest of Sea Dragon . Do you happen to know how to re-enable it?
  10. This mod is great, but I noticed something weird: the ballast doesn't show in game, even though all the required files are there
  11. Oh yeah, I have them installed actually, I didn't think it was them cause they seemed to look different. Overkill: definition
  12. Yes, and that makes it perfect for KSP @Beale BTW, are the new Soyuz color options implemented yet? Or am I missing something?
  13. That is... a very weird lander. Looks like they quickly glued a landing platform to the front end of a Soyuz
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