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  1. The youtuber VAOS recently made a video about his experience building (and launching) a moon base in KSP 2, with many bugs he found and improvements he thought could be made included. I thought the devs might want to see this video because it includes many very valid criticisms of the game that many on this forum appear to also express.
  2. Any updates on a potential fix for this bug? I just noticed there was no mention of it in the latest KERB report
  3. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor | GPU: RTX 2060 | RAM: 16 I've been consistently noticing an issue with the delta v readouts (espcially in For Science) where it will tell me that my craft has 1.5-2 times more delta v than it actually has. This has been a really big issue for me as it has made craft with more than one stage often impossible to fly. I've noticed this bug since launch, but its been especially noticeable in For Science. Included Attachments: fordevs.mp4 wwe.json .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  4. When will you guys be adding in some better anti aliasing into the game? Currently all we have is FXAA which is really blurry and doesn't really smooth out the image very much. Something like TAA or MSAA would be good and would help make them game look much better
  5. Could I have my name changed to Squaremantis ? I made this account a while ago now and the name needs some updating.
  6. Holy crap, only 99 players? That is the lowest I think I've seen a triple A game have in terms of player count in recent years... If the devs don't get the game playable by the time patch 3 comes out, the whole project is done for.
  7. While my faith has not been completely restored yet, this post has given me a bit of hope for the future of the game. I am very happy the new update will actually be including new parts along with bug fixes and performance improvements, even if the update has taken longer because of this. One concern I have though is whether the science update will even be released this year or not, I really don't see the harm in just giving us a rough time frame on when the update is going to release (like what you guys have been doing with these smaller updates recently). Another thing is transparency, transparency is something that all of us have been wanting more of due to how complicated the development of this game has been. While I understand the developer's concerns with revealing stuff like release dates and major new features, it would be nice to see at least a little bit more of those things every dev update.
  8. More like Mocopium, this whole game has gone to crap and all the devs can talk about is an update that isn't going to be released for at least another 6 months. I am losing all hope in this "game" and judging by the playercount most other people have also given up on this so called "successor" to ksp. I don't even see a point in giving feedback to the devs either, considering they quite literally do not listen to what everyone is telling them and the entire studio is descending into a pit of hell because of this. I have tried my best to conserve my anger but every dev update it just gets worse and worse to the point where I wonder if the devs are filtering out most negative comments on the forums and just letting everything go wild over on the steam forums instead of just listening and changing their horrible and unsustainable development plan. If the devs are reading this (which they most likely aren't considering they are just brick walls when it comes to critique) then please for the love of god listen to what your players want instead of blindly believing in this narrative that it will all be fine if you just keep ignoring all the criticism and occasionally look in the forums to find some bugs you can fix in the next patch. Please do better and listen to your players instead of a made up narrative that you have been following ever since launch.
  9. What? I thought the development team was going to decrease the requirements? The game as of late runs horribly on even recommended, so to see the developers say that they are going to increase the already extreme requirements is very worrying. Last dev post had me a bit concerned due to how they were handling the updates for the game, but this is just not viable at all. You should be trying to at least cater to the current requirements by optimizing the game more instead of just putting optimization lower down the list and increasing the already insane requirements. I know that there is already stuff like the rtx 30 and 40 series which can run the game a bit better, but most people (like me) won't be able to afford those GPU's for a while due to how greedy many companies have been with prices for that kind of stuff lately. Edit: Apparently there was a mistake in the post and they meant to actually say they were going to make the game run better, not increase the requirements.
  10. I have been having the same bug with kerbin, really strange...
  11. I hope they bring autostrut back, many of my larger missions would be much harder without it.
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