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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Banned as a way of saying goodnight.
  2. Been trying out a new method to work out how to build an SR71 Blackbird. Much left to do and it hasn't got it's own texture pic yet. Funny, I had never realised it had kinks in the outer wings till I started building it.
  3. @Scarecrow71 Assuming you can actually see me. Since I have done things in other threads to help you but never heard anything back. You need to have a good read through my thread. It has all you need to get Blender or preferably the fork Bforartists. And lots of help to cover various problems you encounter when getting started. You can make your entire model in Blender rather than relying on Unity. You should download directly, not through any downloading service like the windows store or steam. And pop it directly on the main drive so Windows doesn't mess up your permissions. As to your first problems. @CarelessDoughnut was right on the money, I would have said the same thing. Other things that can stop a model turning up are missplaced commas in the node configs or brackets out of place. As to the invisible sections, you may have the faces inside out. It is not obvious in blender unless you turn "Face Orientation" on to get the blue outside, red inside. If you are inside out you will need to flip the normals in editing mode for that section. That is under the Mesh dropdown, find Normals, then inside that Flip. Instructions for finding face orientation are in the thread. As for the missing textures. That depends on how you have set up your Materials. Like have you got the parts of the model that use the other textures on a different material set up that looks for those texture pics. I usually put everything on same texture pic in different areas. You can have multiple Material set ups that use the same pic but have different effects. I believe I can do half the possible shaders on a total of 3 pics. A main texture, An Emissive/Specular and a bump map. Anyhow. If you can see this, go have a good read and you should be able to be confidently making mods and models in short order.
  4. 3: They're creepy and they're kooky, Mysterious and spooky, They're altogether ooky, The Kerman Family. KSC is a museum When people come to see 'em They really are a scream The Kerman Family. [snap twice] (Neat) [snap twice] (Sweet) [snap twice] (Petite) So get a witch's shawl on A broomstick you can crawl on We're gonna pay a call on The Kerman Family. PUSH HERE to ring their bell.
  5. Minecraft are cheaters for keeping Pixel art alive.
  6. Once you know what you are doing, this could be done in less than half an hour. Easiest thing to do is grab what you want from another model that already has it. So for internal lights import yours and then one that has internal lights like you want. These are generally "Point lights" . Open up the heirachy trees of both models. Highlight the point lights in the other models heirachy, then grab and hold with the mouse and drag the selection over the part of the heirachy in your model you want. Hold down the shift and alt keys and then release the mouse button. Then for good measure Click on the MU Heirachy drop down and then click "Clear Inverse" while they are still highlighted. (That way when you move them about they should stay where you put them in the model upon export. Then move them around in your IVA to the positions you want. You can if you want, fiddle with their wattage output for brighter or dimmer over in the Lights menu. But it is generally easier to just duplicate the lights to add more and move them around if you want it even brighter or more covered. Dragging in and duplication means that they are already on the correct layer for an IVA. If you make them from scratch you will need to remember to go down and change their layer to 16 Service Compartment Tubes (SCT). If this is for an external then the same deal but with an external model. You will probably need to change a spotlight to a point light, depending on the effect you want. If you want it to be toggleable then you want your config to have the correct module for the type of lights. This is another good reason to use ones from another model, as you can look in their config files and see what module to use. If you didn't change any names then just copy and paste. By type of light I mean with or without an animation in the light. The old style has the animation in the actual light. The new style that change colour have the animation in the material set up. I have never been told how to make these from scratch so my very earliest were made off of a model that already had it done and then I just built off my own models from then on. If you don't already have it, then get my E.M.U.V mod. It is light and simple and most importantly the original open chair uses the old system while the enclosed chair uses the new system. So you can use these to get the type of external lights you want and their config modules. Now for light up windows and areas. If you don't want these emmisives to be linked to spotlights, just give you an effect. Simply make sure that the model is using an emissive shader when you are in blender. This is all covered in this thread and I was only recently helping someone so pictures are above somewhere. Set the shader to look for your texture pics. Your emmisive pic should be the same as your main but with everything but the areas you want to be lit almost black. The areas you want to light up should be much lighter than on the main pic. Then you just need the "ModuleColorChanger" MODULE in your config and it will work. Found in the open EMUV chair config and many other cockpit parts like Squad cockpits. If you want to be able to change colour and be linked to the spotlights, then you will also want anything that needs to light up be on the same mesh in the model. They don't need to touch each other, just be considered as being part of the same mesh. The unique name of the mesh is used in the module to assign the animation to. You will need the material set up from my enclosed chair or a new Squad light. You only need to change the material setup of that mesh to the one from the other model. It will be in the materials list when both are imported. Just remember if you don't call your mesh "Lamp" then you will need to change where it says "Lamp" in the config to whatever the unique name of the mesh you called it is. Also don't forget to change the texture pics the material set up looks for, to your pics. Hopefully this along with pics and info I have already put in this thread will get you there. If you are having trouble with something specific, let me know and I will try to clarify.
  7. @kerbiloid https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Compact_Cassette Still banned
  8. I must be cheating, As I own a handheld colour one along with a flatbed. (I miss telephone fax machines)
  9. It seems my representitive @Kerb24 replied for me. I will endorse their call for @SSTO Crasher.
  10. Banned if you don't know what a Digital Audio Cassette was.
  11. It has the longevity of a Digital Audio Cassette Tape.
  12. A Zip Disk is cheating. (Do you think the young ones even know what a Zip disk is?)
  13. Granted: It was in the last thing you ate. It has now become lodged in your stomach lining and will slowly cause an ulcer over time. I wish for an entire universe inside a grain of sand.
  14. Hello to the Returned, The_Architect. Neo says hello. Hello @Just Jim. Probably the only member of the production team that might say hello back on this thread.
  15. Wow @James Kerman, That was a valiant effort. Congrats @Nazalassa and @SSTO Crasher P 0
  16. Strange that they changed the name. I am on 3.13 myself. Ok. From the pic of the UV map it looks as if you have patched or added some faces to an original at some point. If you look at the very bottom left you will see that part of your UV map is pulled to the very corner. When we add faces free hand, the program doesn't create a new UV map for those faces but shoves it all into a spot down on the bottom left which is slightly off the pic. Anything in this spot will appear black when in game. Assuming you created the original yourself then you will need to create a fresh UV map with everything selected. Also make sure you select everything on the overlay before moving the UV map. Seeing as you have a pic that has certain parts for different sections. What you need to do is pick only the vertices of a particular section at a time that you want to match and then use the orthagonal view numbers on the number pad (1, 3, 7) to get a front on view of the part in the orientation you want. Then on the UV dropdown choose "Project from View" This will create a UV map section of only what is highlighted as you can see it on the left workspace. If it is too big or too small, then just zoom in or out on your model and try again till it appears around the right size on the overlay. Move it into position and if it still isn't the right size, use the resize function in the overlay wokspace. While you are doing this have the left workspace set to material view so you can see if you have lined it up properly. Remember you can turn it in in the overlay if it is the wrong way up. Try this and save it under a new number. Remember to edit your config to use the new .mu and see how that goes.
  17. Nothing Popeye loves more than a can of Kale and some Olive Oil.
  18. P -62 Goodnight. I am guessing a sudden surge will finish this game once I am gone, So see you on the other side.
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