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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. @Xtra The following is a quote from the fantastic @Lisias and above is info from the Stupendous @zer0Kerbal If it happened the first time you installed then all is fine, if it is happening all the time then you have a deeper problem that I don't know how to fix. There's a file called PartDatabase.cfg on your KSP's root. It's where all the parts' information are consolidated for easy access. After loading the Textures and Models, KSP starts to read and "compile" the parts from the config files. When a new part not present on that database file is fount, this message is printed on the log. Delete the PartDatabase.cfg and then fire up KSP - you will see this message for every part found. Then quit KSP and fire it up again, and you will note that no issue of that log will be found. About the drag cubes, it's the same. KSP doesn't measures drag precisely, it uses on inaccurate approximation that it's good enough for the game purposes. This approximation is the drag-cube, literally a cube used to measure how much drag a part will cause - I do not really know how it is calculated, I just take this for granted, but if you go check that PartDatabase.cfg file you will get a long list of things like: PART { url = AirplanePlus/Parts/Aero/bigwing/part/bigwing DRAG_CUBE { cube = Default, 1.247,0.9107,1.43, 1.247,0.1293,11.17, 3.729,0.5781,0.8552, 3.729,0.3346,1.992, 21.76,0.9629,0.4668, 21.76,0.9634,0.4668, -5.467,-0.182,-2.858E-07, 11.2,2.366,0.7374 } } And there it's your drag cubes. Some parts specify it's own drag cubes "manually", see the ./Squad/Parts/Aero/miniIntake/SmallIntake.cfg (took from KSP 1.4.3 as I using it to do some research now): PART { name = miniIntake module = Part author = Porkjet <yada yada yada> tags = #autoLOC_500198 //#autoLOC_500198 = aero (air aircraft breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane subsonic suck DRAG_CUBE { cube = Default, 0.1813352,0.6919296,0.4108824, 0.1813352,0.6919321,0.4108824, 0.3032565,0.4,0.3950377, 0.3032565,0.942507,0.1303004, 0.1813352,0.6928801,0.4108824, 0.1813352,0.6909673,0.4108824, 0,0.1324531,-2.368446E-08, 0.625,0.3274064,0.6250001 } See? You can specify yourself the drag cube (if you know how to do it ), or you can trust KSP to calculate it for you. When KSP does it, it prints that message about drag cubes on the KSP.log. Cheers!
  2. 18 The negatives actually have far more active players, so that doesn't work.
  3. But not by myself, so I guess I will just go and come back to see the next rush of negativity.
  4. Used to, I watched the first 3 seasons, then it got cancelled, then it came back but was not consitent in TV programing. TUBM has created something in lego of their own design.
  5. Hi @Lisias Sorry, know how busy you are but I hope you might translate the following for me. I don't know if the member was seeing it on the first install or every load. In my Log file I'm finding the following entry: Partloader: Part Beyond1999/servicepods/orep/oreref/oreprocess has no database record. creating drag cubes not found - generating new drag cubes.
  6. Hi, I was alot more ignorant when I adapted and updated the other 2 mods into this, one, I hadn't started 3d Modeling yet and everything was adjusted by config file. The ModuleAnimateGeneric was left over from the older mods and apparently it was set up for an animation that was not included in the model. I just went and checked it and it definitely doesn't have the animation it references. As for the other bit, I am not well versed but that should happen the first time it is loaded and then any load after that the Drag Cube should be in KSP's Part Database config file. If it is happening on every load of KSP then you probably have a deeper problem that is causing the database entry to be removed. That is above my skill set, I am afraid. I will ask a friend who is more knowledgeable if they know what it means.
  7. It is funny how the negatives slaughtered the positives in 3 consecutive battles and then rewrote history when the positives started to gain back ground.
  8. Someone would have to give me a new computer In the blender environment with the .mu plugin you could just join the separate meshes into one if they combine to less than 10,000 vertices.
  9. 17 We choose to fight the darkness, not because it is easy, but because it is hard. I may be the last stub of candle but I will burn till I have nothing left.
  10. 23 If only the agents of positivity were so dedicated. We could have 3 x 0, then 4 x 0, etc.
  11. Banned by the Nuns in "The Sound of Music"
  12. Banned for having a Probe Droid on Hoth.
  13. 22 This forum has members from many different time zones all around the world. Apparently many negatives live in similar time zones.
  14. Granted: they get on an Ark 2 by 2. I wish more active positives.
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