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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. -8 I am off, The Thunderbirds won't build themselves. Try not to win before I return
  2. Already sorted. Hi Ninja potential. You can correct to the correct number if you were beaten to the post, you just can't cheat in a number you want. Case in point is SSTO posting as I typed.
  3. @Akagi Original Fallout was all turn based combat, you would chain what attacks you had, then the opponent would do the same. So you would stand there as people shot you or hit you with things. @Maria Sirona There is a high Ninja potential is this game.
  4. Banned because R2D2 is the ultimate Jedi.
  5. SE: you can only do it once and can't go back. "Hello walkie talkie." SP: I can remember every lyric.
  6. Fungus. (Kerbals, what are they made of.)
  7. It was a proper traditional one, in a small family restaurant, in an outer suburb of Rome. Meatballs and onion. The left overs tasted just as good cold the next day. TUBM has travelled outside of their home country.
  8. Hello @Random-E, sad if you are going. Hello @adsii1970 were you playing Ping Pong with me?
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