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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Can't take revenge on someone who is taking revenge. @SkyFall2489 All done now. Wouldn't want to start a COLD WAR.
  2. Yep and Yep. Seemed fair to share the love. TUBM is pollysylabic.
  3. They didn't fit into the alphabet song. Cuneiform anyone?
  4. Sorry but we don't do starfish soup. Customer: This is soup right?
  5. We've only just vegun to live. Viva la Cookie.
  6. Banned for broadening young minds. (How are they going to be the mindless cannon fodder of the future if you do that?)
  7. The villains move in. Hall of Doom hill.
  8. It has twice as many Roman numerals. Was there a letter in the alphabet that wasn't a Star Wars Ship?
  9. Even back then Doc OcK had a problem with spiders. Waiter: Don't mind the mess, now what would you like to order? Customer: Is that a spider in my soup?
  10. @cineboxandrew I took a moment to throw this together to show you that your info is out of date. The following example uses the exact same shader as a base. KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped) , the exact same texure pics for Main, SpecMap and BumpMap on exactly the same mesh. The only difference is the editing of the nodes in the blender program using the .mu plugin and saving as a .mu with a different name. As you can see in game, 1 looks like a polished metal and the other a mirror. If it was defaulting based on the shader name then they would look identical. I am sure that in blender without the plugin that what you say would be true, but it is obvious that the plugin has found a way to make it work. metal setup. mirror setup.
  11. Granted: Here is Michael Knight. I wish for a Thesaurus.
  12. The main character in Night Rider was Michelle Night.
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