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    3D artist, YouTube creator, and space nerd.

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  1. Yeah, so looks like you did not un-zip the mod. Read and follow the instructions provided to install the mod correctly.
  2. If you want to download the mod from GitHub, go to the releases tab and choose the latest one. Not sure. Could you provide a bit more context or provide some screenshots?
  3. GILMOUR SPACE ERIS-1 [V1.0] ELOS (Short for "Eris Launch and Orbital Services") is a KSP parts mod that provides all the parts you need to create Gilmour Space’s Eris-1 rocket in Kerbal Space Program. Eris is a small 21-25m tall small sat launcher, which will be the first australian-made rocket, launching from Australian soil. It will deliver up to 305 kg to LEO, and its first flight is planned to take place ‘no earlier than’ the 15th of march 2025, from Gilmour’s own Bowen Orbital Spaceport near Queensland Australia. This mod was created by Kion in collaboration with Gilmour Space in favor of celebrating their first orbital launch attempt, so we decided to make a little treat for the space community! I wanted to try a different approach with this mod by making the textures look “stockalike”. I'm happy with how it turned out, and let me know if you like it down below. And yes, not only is it a collaboration with Gilmour Space, but they also attributed this mod as the “official” Eris-1 KSP 1 mod. In-Game Screenshots: DOWNLOAD: (Also available on CKAN) or Report bugs on my Discord server Required mods: B9 Parts Switch (For different part/paint variants) Waterfall (For custom and better plumes) Tested/Compatible with: Stock KSP (Tested) Mechjeb 2 (For ascent guidance // Tested) Textures Unlimited (for shiny parts, but might add configs in the future for better look on certain parts // Tested) Untested/Incompatible with: KSRSS (Not tested as of the release of this mod) RSS/RO (Not compatible at the moment, but might in future versions) Community Category Kit (No configs, but will soon in the next few versions in the future) Real Plume (No configs, but if it gets enough interest might add compatibility or config options for it) Included: All parts to build Gilmour Space’s Eris-1 launch vehicle (Stage 1, 2, 3, hybrid motors and the 3rd stage liquid engine, fairing, and payload adapter) Custom Waterfall Plumes (WIP) Eris-1 Craft-file 2 easter eggs, one on the loading screen and one as a part (related to flight 1 ). Planned (Maybe, depends on how much time I have to work with Gilmour on future updates): Eris Model Revamp Community Category Kit Configs RSS/RO Compatibility Strongback/Transporter Erector Launch Tower Bowen Orbital Spaceport Launch Pad with Facilities for Kerbal Konstruct (Note: There are no current plans to add future versions of Eris as of now, but maybe in the future once they start working on those in real life in the coming years) Track progress: Roadmap Known issues/fixes planned: Fairing laches not being accurate Plume mach diamonds pattern Instructions: License: Changelogs: Small Notes: The size of the vehicle, tank propellant quantities, and engine max thrust values are not accurate compared to real life since it's made to roughly match other stock-like part mods out there, but may not be fully accurate (This is something with feedback from users I hope to fix if it needs to). The models made for this mod are not fully accurate, but maybe after the first attempt of Eris, I will get together with Gilmour Space (once they have the time) and refine the models with better references. DONATIONS/SUPPORT: If you like this mod and want to support what i do you can support monthly on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/KionLionGuard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER LINKS: Learn more about Eris: https://www.gspace.com/launch Gilmour Space's website: https://www.gspace.com/ Gilmour Space on Twitter/X: https://x.com/gilmourspace -------------------- Wanna share your epic creations? On most social media platforms where Gilmour Space or I are, use the hashtag “#Eris1KSP” beneath your post with a screenshot so we can see your epic screenshots and missions that you did with Eris-1! Image taken by Zaid Dillon for Gilmour Space
  4. FINAL UPDATE So after all it was the "32 bit float" option when baking the texture in Blender that was the issue. It worked with the original part, so I think it's fixed. Let be know if you have experienced this issue before, and let me know if you found the same way to fixing it as I did. How it looks in KSP: How it looks in Unity: Anyways, well, at least I hope this forum thread/post will help others fixing this same issue. So in summery: The problem is fixed, and yes it was the "32 bit float" option thing when baking the texture in Blender that was the cause of this problem. Hope you learned anything from this thread and thanks for reading!
  5. UPDATE! I think i fixed it, and let me know what you think. Ok, let's start. When creating a new image texture in Blender, (for baking the normal map for external use, like for Unity), you have an option to enabled "32 bit float", which presumably "creates an image with 32-bit floating-point bit depth" (Maybe I should google it, but after googling it 2 times, the only thing that it said, was that it takes more time to load, and the file size is a bit bigger, which makes more sense if you think about how 32 bit works). I created a new model with a basic texture just to see if it worked (although I ran into another problem of the texture being weird, but if I'm gonna be honest, it did not matter). Problem is probably with the base color or the node setup, and not with the "32 bit float" part of it. As I was saying, I created a new model which I intended to test to see if the "32 bit float" thing was the bug or not. I baked 2 maps. The first one was a normal one (without the option enabled), and the second was the one with the option "32 bit float" enabled. When testing, it seemed that the model that had the "32 bit float" option enabled, (when clicking on the part) don't look as it should, and the one that didn't have the "32 bit float" option looked as it should. The model with the option "32 bit float" enabled: The model without the option "32 bit float" enabled: In summery, the "32 bit float" option when baking a texture in Blender might be good for other things like for other 3d software, but I found out that when testing it in KSP against another model that has the same texture but baked on a image texture without the option enabled, the one without the "32 bit float" option enabled looked like it should. My initial thought of this was that it must have been something to do with the "Bump" or "Bump Specular" shaders used in the PartTools Unity package used to export the parts for the game, but for all of my KSP mods, I have been always just using the "diffuse" shader until I found out that I was missing the very cool detail. The "diffuse" shader is basically just the base color, and not the base color and the normal/bump map. Since, it must have been something with the normal/bump map it self, and not with the shaders, since I presume I have everything up-to-date and correctly installed in the Unity and PartTools side of things. Also I don't know if this has anything to due with the model not looking as it should in the game, but I noticed that in Unity the model with the normal map with the "32 bit float" option enabled, is slightly darker than the one without the "32 bit float" option enabled. In addition, when looking at the normal maps themselves, the one with the "32 bit float" option enabled is a bit more pink than the more purple one, which might indicate why it's looking weird in game, let me know what you think. The model with the option "32 bit float" enabled: The model without the option "32 bit float" enabled: And if you want to take a closer look at the maps themselves, here they are: Base color: Normal map without the "32 bit float" option enabled: Normal map with the "32 bit float" option enabled: I have no idea if it has to doe with PartTools, or it's shaders for KSP, Unity, or anything else, but I will try again with the original model to see if this is the case. Follow this post/thread to stay up-to-date.
  6. Hey KSP nerds! Im getting back for KSP modeling for just a few days, and i was wondering why does my normal map looks very weird? I have no idea what is happening, but i have the most recent version of Part tools, and unity. It looks fine in blender, but then in unity looks weird... Blender: In Unity: Here is the normal map: I'm also getting this weird bug when i click on my part, the select color is not like the normal parts... Do note that i used the "bump specular" material preset in unity I'm also getting this message in Unity, have no idea if its related, but since it includes "material" in the message, thought it might be worth sharing as well. Can anyone help me? Please, Thanks!
  7. Thanks! I will see if I add it or not, but thanks for sharing anyways!
  8. How can I make my "pathing cameras" to "stationary cameras" in the Camera Tools Mod in KSP 1.12.x? I have a "scene" or also knows as a path. and I want to use that path for a rocket stationary pad camera but the "pathing mode" follows the rocket (And I don't want that so I need to use the stationary mode) but I don't know how to use the same camera position (exact) for the "stationary camera mode". Please Help Me. Thanks.
  9. Kion and Katniss's FuelVent [v1.0] v.1.0 - First Release --------------------------- This adds a vapor vent mod using @Zorg's RealPlume and @sarbian's SmokeScreen mod for visual effects. NOTE: This is my first collaboration with another KSP mod developer, so a big thanks to @Katniss218 for making this thing possible! Screenshots: [Full Galley] Downloads: SpaceDock (main) Or Github (secondary) Join The Discord For More Updates: Join Our Discord Community! And join Katniss's! Support This Mod on (To Be Updated) Required Mods: RealPlume by @Zorg SmokeScreen by @sarbian ModuleManager by @sarbian Features: Realistic Effect Big Vent Custom Sound Effect Realism Overhaul is currently not supported feedback is appreciated. RO patch is coming soon! Please report bugs no our Discord Server in the #help-center and use @KSPMOD Bug Report Video Showcase: License: Spatial thanks to @Katniss218 for the original configs and for helping me with bring this into stock KSP, and @AdrianDogmeat and @Joep for the photos! Katniss's Original Guide: Original Reddit Post Here.
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