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Aerodynamic Kerbal

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  • About me
    Team Fortress 2 enjoyer
  • Location
    Karlovo, Bulgaria
  • Interests
    Soviet planes (and aviation in general)

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  1. I'm not going to miss out on CLICKing CLICK
  2. I have an issue. I downloaded BDArmory Continued and North Kerbin Dynamics Renewed from CKAN and I put the W-88 MIRV in NKDR/parts (downloaded separately). For some reason, when I click Launch missile, a nuke detaches, but it explodes in a non-nuclear explosion when it hits the ground (the explosion when a part explodes). Why is that? I don't have an arm button in the part settings menu thing. The only time it actually exploded is when one of the MIRVs collided with another one and it exploded.
  3. I have an issue. I downloaded BDArmory Continued and North Kerbin Dynamics Renewed from CKAN and I put the W-88 MIRV in NKDR/parts (downloaded separately). For some reason, when I click Launch missile, a nuke detaches, but it explodes in a non-nuclear explosion when it hits the ground (the explosion when a part explodes). Why is that? I don't have an arm button in the part settings menu thing. The only time it actually exploded is when one of the MIRVs collided with another one and it exploded.
  4. Remember the Mk3 SSTO I was talking about yesterday? Yeah, so uhh I fixed some issues it had. At first I did a flight test with just the cockpit and the fuel tank as the center fuselage. It made it to around 120-150km. But I decided I should try docking it with my space station. I put a short cargo bay and a docking port (in a way that works with FreeIVA, hehe) and this time I DID NOT forget to put solar panels. I put 10 RCS thrusters as well. Quick Hohmann transfer One thing that I should note is that 10 RCS thrusters were NOT enough. They barely gave me any power. This may have been one of the most annoying dockings I've ever done. However, no docking is hard enough for me. My space station is a mess isn't it Now for the landing, I had to do it in 2 tries, because I overshot the KSC at first. I made it to the mountains west of the KSC. But I entered a somewhat peculiar tailspin that I couldn't recover from (maybe because I transfered the fuel into the middle fuel tank). Luckily, I made a quicksave a little earlier, so a quick F9 and The landing was easy One issue is that the handling is very tough. Not only during athmospheric flight, but in orbit as well...
  5. For the past two days (not today though) I was trying to make some Mk2 SSTOs (I genuinely didn't know how to make and properly for so long). First, the MSSTO-100 (might rename it to 200, because I made another SSTO that IS my FIRST one). I managed to raise the apoapsis to about 100 km. Quite the record for me. I had quite a lot of leftover Delta V, and the Mun was right there (it always stays right there, doesn't it?). I decided that I'm ready. So, I picked a landing spot (I didn't really pick it, I just wanted it to have a view of Kerbin because hehe screnshot) For those of you that have watched at least one Matt Lowne SSTO video, you might notice that he lands them like regular landers and then flips them before touchdown. (There isn't an alternative way, is there?). I wouldn't say that the landing was smooth, but eh And this is where the issues started. In no particular order: 1. The terrain was very rocky, maybe landing in a crater was a bad idea. And for some reason (realism, duh) I have Parallax colliders enabled. That means it would be almost impossible for me to take off. 2. I put the landing gear at the very back (for some unknown reason) and taking off (even from the Mun) would be very tough. So. I moved the landing gear a little behind the CoM. Then I moved the spaceplane around until I found a (somewhat) appropiate landing spot and... I don't remember the exact way I managed to rotate, but I think that I hit a rock (luckily, physics decided that the landing gear should be on my side now) and altough that killed off a lot of speed, I still managed to gain altitude. This nuclear engine is almost useless... I barely managed to get over 10km. Now for the way home. I decided I should re-enter a couple of times until I'm somewhat satisfied with my Apoapsis. In the end, I realised that I might not have enough fuel for landing. And just like on my previous SSTO, I forgot to put any electric source, meaning that I had to use the nuclear engine to gain energy. Eventually I got a 300km apoapsis and 80km periapsis. I had to wait for the KSC to come up on the day side. I had to re-enter several times, because my craft was back heavy when it depletes 80-90% of its fuel and it flips over. And I landed. I guess. Now for the second SSTO. I decided I should go bigger if I want higher chances of leaving the atmosphere. This is what I came up with. It was too late when I realised that the Whiplash engines are basically useless in this case (the only thrust advantage is in the first 1 minute of flight, which is the easiest). But I didn't have as much fuel this time. So I gave it a simpler job and I rendesvouzwesac (ahh I don't know how to spell) with my "Eye To The Sky: The Third" space station, which is at 300km altitude. Quick Hohmann transfer and here I am. I FORGOT TO PUT SOLAR PANELS AGAIN. And electricity was running out fast, so I didn't have a lot of time to do anything. Another Hohmann transfer and I eventually de-orbited. sunrise This re-entry was a lot smoother. Landed on the first try. And today I, tried making an Mk3 SSTO but there was something in the first phase of the flight and I gave up.
  6. I have an issue with fairings. When I try to change their texture, they stay with their white texture Trying to change them in the part editor does this: Mod List: (according to my GameData files, because CKAN doesn't show every mod)
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