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Everything posted by shelshok

  1. Actually, adding a blank GaugeThrottle.png and GaugeGee.png doesn't seem to do anything. Edit... seems they are also in the Navball model in the Squad folder, so I guess that's a job for Navball Replacer?
  2. "9-slice" sprites have a border width for each side that determines how corners and edges are scaled. They are used for any UI images that get arbitrarily scaled (buttons, progress bars, etc). If you don't get your borders to fit exactly in the specified scaling region when changing the image, you end up with a distorted blurry mess... Unity stores that info in the sprite's meta file. I believe the relevant line is: More info here: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/9SliceSprites.html And yeah, you're right about the throttle/g-force text! They are textures. Just didn't show up in the debug.
  3. This is amazing! Would be great if the debug showed width info about the 9-slice sprite borders. Even better would be to be able to edit those widths somehow. Also would be nice to be able to recolor the navball throttle and g-force text (really I just want to make it transparent).
  4. Just a note that it still seems to be happening some of the time. Same issue. Just KJRN installed, and launching the stock Dynawing. Fuel tank breaks off sometimes when the boosters are decoupled after they shut down. Not always.
  5. Your plume patch for stock seems to require Bluedog_DB. Is that intentional?
  6. Is there a way to make adjustments over the life of the particle? For example, I assumed the time curve would allow me to change the alpha over the life of each particle, but it just repeats for all particles at the same time.
  7. Looks great so far. One thing that's always bugged me is that the smoke comes from the engine rather than the end of the flame. Any chance you are working on making that more accurate?
  8. I just noticed this too after recently installing AtmosphereAutopilot. Have you had any thoughts on how to fix it?
  9. So, I've been playing around with the stock Dynawing ship for the last couple days, and I updated to the new KJRN last night, but since then the main tank breaks off when the boosters separate. I tried the first two slider options in KJRN's settings (more realistic and less realistic). Switching back to the previous version makes it not break off anymore.
  10. The problem seems to be the: transform = Waterfall/FX/fx-volumetric-simple(Clone) shader = Waterfall/Additive (Volumetric) ...in the material section of mainPlume in lemon-srb-2.cfg. I've replaced mainPlume on my install with a version using: transform = Cylinder shader = Waterfall/Additive (Dynamic) ...and the problem goes away. Still working on getting a closer match though.
  11. Hmm. Definitely going to wait for an actual Mac release, but thanks for trying this out!
  12. I'll jump on it once it seems there is the ability to start a science-based career and get updates that won't require me starting that career over.
  13. I'm only getting highlighting if I hover my cursor over the broken part. Is that how it's supposed to work?
  14. Is there a way to get a raster prop monitor overlay in flight view?
  15. Seeing this thread is quite a bummer, but I haven't seen it mentioned otherwise. Has there been an announcement about Mac Compatibility?
  16. I know it's a bit late in the game, but it's been on the back of my mind for a while... Has anyone tried using Unity's TrailRenderer for long continuous launch plumes? Album with videos: https://imgur.com/a/FV2DqZ8
  17. Installing from CKAN says incompatible with later versions of Harmony. https://imgur.com/a/5ZMYh1i
  18. Anyone figure this out? If I use this on a tall rocket, unclamping the tower pushes the rocket into a wobble. Anyone figure this out? If I use this on a tall rocket, unclamping the tower pushes the rocket into a wobble.
  19. So I had the previous version installed on 1.12.x and it loaded all of my 1.11.x instances, but obviously didn't load the ctrl-K interface fully. I replaced it with this new version, and now ctrl-K does nothing and no instances load (I copied over the NewInstances folder). The toolbar icon is there and loads the toolbar button stuff, but none of the construction stuff works. Log here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/npznbgl0qfc8uqu/KSP.log?dl=0 Edit: After glancing at the log file myself, I tried removing the NewInstances folder, and it works now. I'm guessing it was a custom MapDecalMap that I hadn't copied over?
  20. That's odd. I modified my KSC to be all flat in 1.11, and it still is in 1.12.2.
  21. Yeah, so it seems any same vessel grapples flip for me. Doesn't matter in which order they were used. Just that they are the same vessel. EDIT: Figured I should try without mods. Same result: https://imgur.com/a/1FQPhj9
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