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Everything posted by Puggonaut

  1. Stock Mobile LaunchPad from KSP , if you KK you'll have the pad , then you just rescale it .
  2. Installed the latest JRsULitmatePack ............and well .............
  3. Leaving the big house to find new planets , then grab them and claim them before those other lot turn up .
  4. Which version of Kopernicus are you using please ? I get really confused by so many versions of this and usually never get the thing to launch , i'm using KSP Ver 1.12.2 if that helps .
  5. Found a solution , I added Physics Range Extender , because that has a 100k range . So with Burn Together you get this Can only do this out of the Atmosphere , but all 3 craft safely landed afterwards , just trying how to figure out a way of getting them to take off together . Usual KSP thing about only flying one craft so as soon as the impulse engines are activated that's it your stuck with one craft to control as BD doen't offer a staging option . But it's a start .
  6. Nope tried both suggestions , neither of them work for this idea , also tried BD Armory and as mentioned because the impulse engines don't have a maxThrust wotsit , BD says ok its there then shuts the throttle on the following craft or the main one when the autopilot is engaged . Ho well it was an idea ..........
  7. Silly idea time . A combinations of Vessel mover and AirPark lets you do this as i've yet to find a mod that will let you actualy fly 3 crafts at the same time or at least get the other two to follow the one you are flying . Anyhow ............
  8. Sniper Elite 4 , except I sneak around and stab people instead of shooting them , which leads me where I got the idea as i'm also playing Hitman 1 , 2 & 3 and as I have completed all three version in Master Mode , I know use them as a excuse to kill everyone on each level . Maybe I have anger issues
  9. Do Twins ever realize one of then was unplanned ?
  10. For images click on the one you upload on the righthand side you'll see options copy the BB code for Forums in imgur , NOT the Linked BB code as this means people clicking on it get taken to imgur to see your pics . The rest erm over to the Mod Author lol .
  11. Tell you what it's not often you get the chance to name a ship after your Dog Presenting the " USS CASSIE " Thanks to @TheShadow1138 for sorting this out , yes i've added a TU cfg and again the @TheShadow1138 sorted that out aswell . Testing the Connie has been straight forward with no flight issues , so I hope everyone who downloads this version when avaiable really enjoys the work and effort put into this by the Mod Author . Next Up " The Connie Refit " are you excited , I sure am ............
  12. Excellant I also prefer the Refit Connie , still have a soft spot for the original though .
  13. Q ? will this have the refit Nacelles from the first Star Trek Movie . the oblong versions , well they sort of look like that . Oh yeah the red bussards version looks proper and rather amazing .
  14. Ok I've owned it 4 years , usually take it to the local car wash guys an gals to clean it , however decided to tackle that task myself . I have been now medically retired due to lung issues ( I am 62 years old ) andI have needed a new project to keep me ( whilst waiting for KSP2 ) occupied . However I have to be careful with my exertion , so over the course of 1 week and totalling only 8 hours of work I have been polishing and washing the hell out of my modest Mk5 Golf TDi . Quite pleased with the results . Next years Plans , Powder coat the GTi wheels as they are painted , engine tune for better fuel economy , oh and nothing else .
  15. Mixed in Tundra + Starship Expansion + KK and did this .
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