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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by DibzNr

  1. @AnthMoved your report out of the archives @VortygontMerged your report with this post
  2. I ran into this bug too, ended up using cheats to get it to trigger, it's incredibly bad that the game can just slam you with this after what is essentially the final boss of the missions
  3. @BlueFlareGaming Unarchived this report and merged your new one with it
  4. @JaypegMoved your report to the suggestions page
  5. It'd be nice if the impact indicator that appears when you're on a collision course with a celestial body also told you your impact velocity when you mouse over it, it'd make planning out landings and suicide burns a lot easier. Something like this:
  6. @Meb Kat Moved your report out of the archives
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