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Kimera Industries

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Everything posted by Kimera Industries

  1. When the last hour has been spent surfing CKAN seeing if there's anything else I can do to drop KSP's performance.
  2. I've often dreamed about recreating Interstellar shot-for-shot in KSP someday...
  3. Same things here. No notification for TOTM Jan 2024 when I got it.
  4. *Wakes up with an antenna in his abdomen and buried in sand, with the oxygen alarm blaring its head off* *Also the Mars Ascent Vehicle and the rest of the crew are gone*
  5. Floor 4562: A large room, composed of rectangular white and dark grey panels. To reach the exit, you must use complicated puzzle-solving skills to prove your capabili- hey, what are you doing? Get back here! *You just walked over to the exit*
  6. Maybe the rest of the commercial payloads, or another of your craft fulfilling a similar duty?
  7. Awesome! I had to look back to verify that yes, I did indeed get a level three. I didn't even have that in mind! Lucky that I picked the crews I did. Yeah, one of the things I discovered in testing that pleasantly surprised me was that separatrons could lift the empty tanks with a higher TwR than my main engines. There were mild heating problems but those stages were gone so fast it didn't even matter. The stacked stages made the lander much easier to launch into LKO, which I favored because payloads wider than the rocket are tricky. I seem to have been placed in the "Jeb" category? Did I miss something or is this a mistake? Feels great to know this hard work wasn't for nothing! If I were to do it again, I'd use ISRU and the whole thing would be much smaller.
  8. That was delightful. To be fair, all planes deserve a good roast now and then to keep their hubris in check.
  9. "Our simulation software will be switching over from KSP1 to KSP2 once the game leaves early access. Once again, all requests that we use Orbit instead have been denied."
  10. "Hey, I'm the first person to see a Starship tip over on Mars like that, I guess..."
  11. When Going Postal is one of your favorite books.
  12. Floor 4556: A floor of people saying the Hornet is bad, just to annoy @TwoCalories.
  13. "You know those supercomputers we have? We've been using those for nothing but KSP2. Sorry."
  14. When you have a foam 3D puzzle Star Destroyer on top of your shelf. I've had to repair it three times after our cats knocked it down...
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