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Kimera Industries

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Everything posted by Kimera Industries

  1. I love KSP and I love Excel, thank you for your hard work.
  2. The HAB (and other equipment, too) should come in multiple landings, both for redundancy and so it can be bigger.
  3. I finished a collage/painting that's my take on Earthrise, with my high school art class level skills, of course. Next on the agenda is another collage/painting inspired by Saturn, from Holst's The Planets.
  4. I've tried disabling heat refraction in the Waterfall settings config, as it is quite taxing on my computer. However, whenever I launch a craft, the distortion effects are still active and I have to disable them one by one for every single launch. Any way around this?
  5. Needless? Anything to make KSP more realistic is never "needless."
  6. Hello, everybody! Sorry I missed @B0lt calling me...
  7. For a realistic approach, you shouldn't be able to land on parachutes alone on Duna.
  8. Some kind of plant, then. How it survives would be beyond me, but Laythe deserves life.
  9. Moho- OK Eve- Much less purple, I would prefer if it had less gravity than Kerbin to make it more like Venus. No oceans as well, I think that's pretty weird. Gilly- OK Kerbin- More realistic/ Earth inspired terrain The Mun- Actually flat places to land, realistic looking craters Minmus- Slightly more colors but otherwise OK Duna- Less red, more orange and brown, smaller ice caps. A second moon. Ike- Way smaller. Either that or go all in on the binary system thing. Dres- Rings. Equatorial ridge. Do what KSP 2 did. Jool- Colors other than green. Asteroids spawn in orbit around it. Faint dust ring. Laythe- More large islands, terrain color other than brown. Would add trees. Vall- Replace with small version of Eeloo. Tylo- OK Bop- Change appearance to look less lumpy and more like the properly sized moon it is. Pol- Less drastic height changes, but otherwise OK. Might even trade places with Bop. Eeloo- Redo the entire appearance, make a binary system like Pluto. At least one more gas giant.
  10. Absolutely correct. Perhaps @ColdJ can oblige now?
  11. Another update for today: I bought a copy of J.R.R. Tolkien's translation of Beowulf, after many hours spent perusing Barnes & Noble.
  12. That's one of the Duna easter eggs! It's the camera mast of the Curiosity rover, buried in the ground.
  13. Things are looking up. Not only is my friend considering selling his PC for cheap, one of my cousins is giving his laptop to me for free. Both of which are quite beefy computers.
  14. All KSSP missions not currently slated for a complete redo have been trimmed down in size, for a more palatable reading experience. Plus, I finally fixed the weird problems with Korolev 10. Here's what's been changed: Repetitive launch sequences have been cut down Unnecessary/poorly written flavor text removed Jebediah (a not-Russian sounding name) has become Vladimir. Everybody say Hi, Vladimir! Yes, some missions are going to be redone. Here's what that means: All missions I have in mind are unkerbaled The spacecraft will be redesigned The changes are purely visual, this does not affect the story at all.
  15. "We choose to go to the Mun, not because it is easy, but because it is- well, it's actually pretty easy, we just need to learn how."
  16. Once, someone random person was wearing a NASA hoodie, and I just walked up to them and said "Why does it have the Soyuz on it? That's a Russian spacecraft." They were so confused. Although, a foreign spacecraft that has carried NASA astronauts makes more sense than a foreign aircraft that might have or will end up shooting down American pilots.
  17. Face 5738: Rows upon rows of heads. You hear someone call "Igor! I said head, not bread!"
  18. While walking near the park, I found a small blue plastic F-22 on the ground. I asked my friend who is very into that specific plane, and he said no, it wasn't his. So I have a toy F-22 now. I should be too old for this, but it makes me very happy to swoosh it around.
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