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Everything posted by SkyFall2489

  1. or, if the dll must be changed, you could just have a field in the warp core module to allow the interstellar speed boost, an if statement in the DLL before allowing the interstellar speed boost, and a part upgrade to change the field from false to ture?
  2. I see the same thing. Maybe use part upgrades to modify the warp speed curve or something?
  3. That should do it, as long as the airlock is attached by a node named "bottom". It might not be.
  4. Maybe make another Extras patch? Shouldn't be too hard to get done except needing an icon for the node itself.
  5. Idea: STS jool 5... can you pack all that in the payload bay? If you want even more of a challenge, no ISRU.
  6. Math usually works out better. *divides by zero again
  7. Dunno bout the 3 crew one, they won't show up in IVA and must be EVAd by clicking the hatch. Their portrait also won't show up. To fix this, you'd have to redo the IVA, but if you're fine with the above bugs, then MM can do it. As for the decopuler module, I'm not sure. It should probably work out fine, as long as there are no requirements for the decoupler module in the part's model.
  8. Bug: deprecated parts show up in the blueshift category filter
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