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Everything posted by Vl3d

  1. After hearing other players mention it (because it takes up a huge amount of drive space), I have also taken a look at the structure of the JSON save files in "C:\Users\...\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\Saves\SinglePlayer\..." and I have found the section called "TravelLogData". I believe this is evidence that KSP2's foundation supports recording mission milestones, actions and events - which will enable a lot of features we have talked about in the past: colony delivery routes and seeing active flights parallel-sequential missions by returning to the past and seeing recorded mission play out in-space asynchronous multiplayer which allows time warp single player space races against an AI controlled agency vessel stage recovery flights (like FMRS) implementing the next gen MechJeb ...and much more The structure of the Travel Log (as of 0.1.x) is: Objects TravelObjectId Statistics DistanceTravelled GroundDistanceTravelled MaxAltitude MaxGeeForce MaxSpeed MaxSpeedOverGround MaxGroundSpeed ObjectEvents TravelObjectId EventKey vesselLaunched partCrashed vesselSOIEntered vesselLanded vesselDestroyed etc. Universe Time stamp FlightReportArgs can be parts or celestial bodies etc. We will have to see if this will be expanded significantly as updates roll in. The fact that the system is now mostly disabled would explain why the save game file sizes grow to GB with only repeated entries. The bug probably appeared when they decoupled the in-depth recording system from the game.
  2. Alt+X resets trim? Did not know that.. I'm going to put it in the tips and tricks.
  3. This post is not about simulating actual weather systems or gameplay altering systems like wind - it's just about the visuals. I know there's not enough performance budget for this in KSP2 at the moment, but just look how immersive the game becomes with weather visuals. This is amazing, I hope KSP2 also gets this sooner rather than later.
  4. Devs can build any exotic terrain feature as a mesh and place it on top of the height map.
  5. Yeah, they shouldn't be unresponsive. The part where they were "unconscious" after a fall was just wasted time.
  6. Vehicle construction: In the VAB, when holding ALT while placing a part - snap mode is off. Select your assembly by its anchor, copy it with CTRL+C then paste it in a text editor or send it to a friend who can then paste it with CTRL + V in his workspace After selecting the translation / rotation tool, press F to change it's frame of reference Flight: Hold ALT + WASDQE to adjust the trim of your aircraft (changes the neutral flight position of control surfaces) ALT+X resets trim You can press CapsLock to enable fine control (especially useful when using physics time warp) General: You can click and drag to scroll through lists.
  7. That's not normal. He should fall over and flip.
  8. I tend to not agree, I feel like rocket aero is more realistic now. I have encountered no aero issues with getting to orbit (except for bugs). But I think aerodynamics shape is very important now and also a thought out ascent profile. Other players have mentioned that there's a lot more drag now. I think that's great! No more... ...horror.
  9. Literally, what features or mods from KSP1 do you miss the most at this point in KSP2?
  10. Yes but usually you pick the longest tank you need - which is a single part without flexibility. And yes I agree with having exact / defined steps for length. I feel it's important for game balance and easier to remember how much delta V a craft has just by looking at how many length steps it has.
  11. I agree, I feel like the arrows are too thick now. And sometimes I have to move the camera because one gizmo is hidden behind another. Maybe they should be more spaced out. At least it's easier to use with just the mouse, we don't have to press 2 and 3 or an extra click.
  12. Think about parts where this would be possible and helpful - for example methalox tanks or cargo bays with same diameter and design. Besides simplifying the parts list or limiting vessel part count, also think about gameplay elements - should the tech progression first unlock shorter tanks and limit access to longer tanks? Also think about the fact that having multiple parts allows for fewer clicks when building "round" objects (putting parts head to tail and rotating them).
  13. Now that you got used to KSP2.. what's your preference?
  14. I agree that having the size numbers displayed in the details is nice, but they shouldn't replace the current text based size sizing (for ease of use by beginners).
  15. My impression is that planes are much more stable now, but also less agile (you need higher angles for control surfaces). But it might depend on the speed and my design. Overall I think the aero model feels great for planes.
  16. Did you set Env. Prop Density and Draw Distance to max?
  17. Maybe we can consider it the regular alphabet with "a" starting next to the middle concentric circles. There are no repeating characters? A translation table would be super useful.
  18. @The Aziz: "The environments are much prettier, there's no volumetric clouds in the old one, planets are no longer just high res reskins but are pretty much completely new, the textures have higher resolution, the plumes are better, so is the steam cloud on the launchpad, Kerbal animations are much better... "
  19. No, that's just how the bug glues objects together. The Kerbal face is in a completely different spot on Duna.
  20. Oy, leave Paul Furio alone! Every EA game has bugs and you have not yet seen the true work and genius of the dev team. It will all be revealed as features roll out. Support the devs!
  21. I'm honored! I believe that KSP2 will be the greatest game ever made.
  22. Please take note of the 4 branches of the Duna Totem.. there's kerbals (which seem to be the youngest - the lowest branch), kraken-lipped kerbals with their typical hands in the air.. and 2 more (species probably). Maybe the 2 broken branches mean they're extinct... or we're not ready for them yet. Also note the very specific symbols on the crown. And I think the old kraken ar the base was holding his hand in the air but it broke off. So the smaller kraken-lipped guys must be imitating. Tylo Buddha seems to be holding 2 stars in his hands. It's incredibly how they could move and stack such huge rocks on Tylo. The Mun glowy arch has two krakens at its base (the X eyes .. same as the dead baby kraken in KSP1). Very nice materials weathering details. My theory is that each arch is a star system. The other two arches will be uncovered when we have interstellar travel.. and I bet they're also colored planets. The Minmus wizard has two circles around it.. could be hinting at Kerbin with the two moons. Maybe there are some anomalies related to kraken-lipped kerbals on Kerbin? The 6 spheres could be the other planets.. meaning the kraken-lipped ones thought Kerbin was at the center of the solar system with Kerbol being the big crystal above? Idk but I think they seem arrogant. And yes I know the Vall thing is just a very deep lake. But I want to believe it has a subsurface ocean. And Mohole has a nice bottom now so we can build a colony there later. At least now we know who the kraken-lipped guy in the Karecibo message is. I think they used to rule over the kerbals. I don't believe he's saying hello.. Not great news. Especially considering the rumors related to a Kraken Devil temple.
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