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Everything posted by Vl3d

  1. While I do agree with you, I'm happy KSP collects telemetry. Having a clear window into what players are doing in the game is a foundational step to make the game better. I would be very curious to see the KSP1 lifetime gameplay statistics. We do know for example that most players did not travel beyond Kerbins' SOI.
  2. Good idea, but IMO the devs and Nate have the last word about what stock KSP2 should be. We can only give suggestions. Next comes the decision of the modders about what to implement, and after that the players decide what to install.
  3. I sometimes create polls. And I'm always looking for new ideas to add. I've been through all the forum suggestion posts (old and new), Reddit, mod list in CKAN and the forum. Scraped everything. Always trying to find a new cool idea. Please contribute.
  4. If any wish is missing add a comment. It's just a regular thread, not official. I think most ideas are included. Except for N-Body. Never N-Body.
  5. I "borrowed" every wish I found related to KSP on the Internet and added my own. Except for N-Body.. that will never be on the list.
  6. Yeah and by the time I'm 75 I might be able to enjoy the full game.
  7. It's important to realize that this patch encompasses the work of the devs from at least the past 5 weeks, since the ESA preview event (9 Feb), which had many of the bugs we've seen in the release build. So more than anything it's an indicator of the development speed and a useful way to gauge how long each step on the roadmap might take.
  8. I'm probably going back to KSP1 for a while when the EVE Redux Weather update is released.
  9. Finally! Thank you!!! Location? (nevermind I saw coordinates)
  10. Let's be real about this aspect. Wheels are completely broken now. And I don't understand why Nate was saying they had fun building racing cars. Maybe they were using a future improvement.
  11. They need more of everything.. including collision boxes.
  12. I understand what you're referring to now. Yes.. having a control surface that attaches like the ones in KSP1 would be useful.
  13. You can already twist the tip and root. You can also build those shapes and save them as subassemblies in the workspace. This i think is already implemented, can't confirm how the calculation is done, maybe as averages. There are wings which are entire control surfaces. Air brakes will be added soon. I agree with at least 2 control surface areas on wings and the "fuel tank, leading edge and grid fins" ideas i will also add to the big list. Good feedback!
  14. Devs should add them to the lore as Wilson Kerman marooned on an island signaling SOS with a mirror. @Dakotag Could you pass on the idea? Maybe someone likes it.
  15. Clearly there's no comparison. But it's interesting that this is a valid argument nowadays.. 6 months ago when I tried to compare KSP2 to any other flying or space game I got furiously attacked in the forum comments. Be careful what you write, what photos you post and what you link around here.
  16. In conclusion, I think we should be grateful and excited. Grateful that PQS+ is fine for now if the performance and textures can be improved. Excited that KSP2 will get a big update and will look absolutely stunning in the future. Just look at videos of what modern HDRP Unity can do.. it's mind blowing. Onward!
  17. Of course that's what happened. They used the prototyping tools as far as they could go.
  18. I'm kind of shocked it's still using the legacy rendered... But beyond that, I remember how much flak I got on the forum for talking about modern HDRP Unity visuals. I invite newer users and players to read up on older discussions. Thank you for this great dev diary! Telling it like it is goes a long way.
  19. It's actually an opening to the sky.
  20. The final section of the drum crescendo for the Eve atmosphere song is a bit too loud. (02:55 in the video) Please pass it along to him. Love the music, it has so much heart.
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