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Everything posted by Vl3d

  1. In game time would always be the same for players who can directly interact because it would be controlled by the server for each celestial body. Syncing would be required to join multiplayer and it would be done by looping in orbit or when landed.
  2. It works if you just don't use on-rails and physics time warp close to celestial bodies (like KSP1 doesn't allow on-rails inside the atmosphere). Will not start this discussion again, it's all theorized in another thread. But yeah persistent world multiplayer is cool. But that's how it works when you create a new space company in real life. Besides, think about how cool it would be to progressively discover what other players have built or left behind. It's better than having in-game aliens.
  3. Cladding has already been confirmed.
  4. Just a FYI: I've been looking into how massive multiplayer is implemented in a game called Foxhole and I think there are technical gameplay elements that could be an inspiration for KSP (maybe in the future). I'm taking mostly about the competitive aspects set in a persistent world and the specialized individual / team-based gameplay / the technology progression, research and base building elements. I think it makes for an interesting dynamic.
  5. I'm just curious about multiplayer and automated logistics at this point..
  6. Great, we'll know the launch date before we know anything new and important about the actual game.
  7. Do kerbals watch TV or does @t_v watch kerbals?
  8. Strictly talking about the post content, that is one of the most absurd arguments I have ever encountered online. I would go so far as to call it "an ode to bad marketing, public relations and communication practices". We have truly reached the point in which fans are so chained to the will of developers that they start demanding to be completely ignorant about a project. What more could we say? I'm sure that for some any info about this game is just unwanted, undervalued baggage that is completely irrelevant. That's why most games have a marketing budget that's bigger than the development costs, right? It's just wasted money? As for me, personally, I am happy when I see any little scrap of info about this game and I am beyond upset that they are keeping the core design decisions and mechanics secret. In my eyes it's just an awful and cheap strategy to try and dump everything just before launch to "maximize" sales. No community building, no interactive fan feedback regarding the big features, just "here, eat this ultraprocessed scrap that has no nutrients and vitamins and shut up". "Look at this video which shows barely any progress compared to 2 years ago. Look at this image of a kerbal. We didn't promise you anything, so we don't owe you anything." And the crowd goes wild. Fine. I'll be the lonely voice on this forum that says it: the marketing for this game sucks! PS: Devs are great and I fully support their efforts.
  9. You can see that the boosters exhaust have an extra effect for smoke - does this mean that we will be seeing persistent smoke and condensation trails in the atmosphere? If so, will they be affected by wind (same for clouds)?
  10. Linx (and the whole modding community) did an amazing job with the new release and have set the bar very high for KSP2. Are you impressed, do you think KSP2 will go in this direction and be even more dense and amazing?
  11. I'm taking it easy. The new dev diary brings 0 new info about the game. And KSP should have been present at Gamescom. Just my opinions.
  12. That's what happened when you have unrealistic expectations. What part is the unrealistic expectations? That KSP would be present at Gamescom? That we would have ANY clue about this game after 4 years of "it's totally classified and anyone who talks about this game will be fired"?
  13. August is over. No news, no new content, no idea about what this game is going to be. Absolutely disappointed.
  14. Can you tell us anything about lore and game story? @Just Jim
  15. Without stepping on anyone's toes I will just say that I hope KSP2 will have set and setting, a good story, vast and interesting lore and a lot of mysteries to uncover. From a creative content point of view KSP1 is an empty and lonely game which only hints at greatness but never fulfills its destiny. The anomalies suck, the boring lifeless emptiness sucks and the monoliths are the worst. Anyone who likes to read knows the value of the worlds on the pages. You don't buy an empty book, look at the blank pages and pretend you're inventing Shakespeare. We are free to invent any small LEGO inspired stories we want, but they can only expand the Kerbal universe, not build it.
  16. Um, clarification please? Was hoping for details about the game story and lore.
  17. From what info I've gathered from job postings they will use Cloud services combined with peer to peer networking and also some low latency big database services. Not sure for what type of multiplayer features.
  18. There is if you want it to essentially replace sandbox. People should not go though a playthrough of Kerbal Space Program without the Kerbals. Most games have a story campaign and a separate no-playthrough simulation / construction / sandbox mode. It's a solved problem. PS: fine keep kerbals in simulation mode. At least for the parachute biplanes.
  19. It was a joke! I was acting like an old lady because your playtime makes me cranky. There's no reason to have kerbals in simulation mode.
  20. I have a solution to all your problems: Simulation Mode instead of Sandbox Mode. It could be accessible at any time (even while in another save or game mode), all parts would be free and unlocked, all discovered locations accessible at any time in a single player virtual universe. It would be barren and lack all the campaign mode special discoverables of course. Just for raw and creative construction of ships, vehicles and colonies. No resources needed. No kerbals.
  21. I better not see cheaty and exploity modded shenanigans in my precious DRM-enabled persistent multiplayer world. You 7000 hours in KSP1 kids better play in your own local single player sandbox. We follow all physics laws and work hard for what we build in the common Kerbal universe!
  22. They're used because they work well at all speeds, as Elon had stated several times.
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