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Everything posted by Vl3d

  1. I think Kerbals should also have different physical traits. Some stronger for construction, some faster for exploration.
  2. KSP2 will have to use A Unity LTS version. They cannot make the game without Unity LTS. I just hope the team uses the newest and best version.
  3. Clickbait for what? I posted 6 cool videos related to Unity graphics that can be used for KSP and useful information about what environment features we can expect to be in the game. Are you not entertained?
  4. Because of the features that are very useful for KSP and because it's the LTS version to be used in production.
  5. Play it in low settings with whatever potato you want. I'm looking to kick it up to ultra with DLSS.
  6. Those procedural panels have radiator textures on them (old ones, cropped). The new procedural radiators look a lot more like solars. I hope that at the very least they glow red. Anyway, it's FRIDAY! Maybe today were getting some info on a game changing new part, like procedural trusses! Or wheels!
  7. Again, it's an LTS release. It has no new features. It's just for production stability. It's meant to be easy to integrate in a finished product.
  8. They will reveal all gameplay features during the marketing campaign. Right now the teams just hoarding goodies. KSP1 community engagement was awesome. Right now we're just by ourselves. But I'm gealous of how much information the WoW community is getting about their new expansion that's probably 1 year away from release.
  9. Months, semester, year.. who knows. It's all so top secret.. nature forbid someone actually getting excited about this game.
  10. Any specific first guest you want to announce?
  11. What are you referring to as "potentially pointless upgrades"?
  12. If you can see it, then yes it should not be fake or abstracted. It's KSP2: millimeter resolution of light year spanning volume. I think they can manage with some basic key actions recording automation. We're not in KSP1 territory anymore. I agree we should manage our expectations to not be disappointed, but there are certain standards imposed on a game of this scope and target audience. Comparison: In a racing game you would expect the other cars to have good AI. It's mandatory, not optional. Otherwise you would just have time trials.
  13. It's actually not a new engine, it's the LTS (Long Term Support) of the 2021 version, which has been available for a year but was not ready for production. So the team had ample time to integrate these features.
  14. LTS release means that these features are ready for production. I'm sure they were already using them in prototyping. That image in the Expanse video with volumetric cloud layers and dynamic shadows seen from above is.. amazing.
  15. I think the KSP2 team was waiting for the 2021 LTS release for Unity so they can lock features into a stable product. Now we can expect some very cool features in the game related to environments and like it was designed with KSP in mind (I wonder if there was some collab between Intercept and Unity): "HDRP performance upgrades and features like NVIDIA DLSS for desktop, Volumetric Clouds, and Static Shadow Caster." I've seen some pre-LTS environment videos, everything looks absolutely amazing. Some of them even show storms with wind, rain, lightning and snow. There's also Expanse with some impressive demos, I don't know if the KSP2 uses this or their own tools. Wonder if we'll also have Ray Tracing..
  16. Totally agree, great post. Best in my mind is to do it manually once by being able to go back to a save point and control multiple craft as if simultaneously with a kind of progressive record and playback. But the recording should be done by key actions and playback by autopilot, to allow improvisation in dynamic conditions. This way the recording could also be editable and you could actually see your vessels repeat the mission independently. Of course you would have to leave enough fuel for the autopilot to redo the key actions. Sure, it's complicated and needs multiple systems, but it would be very cool and useful to create complex multi-vehicle missions and it would encourage building a larger variety of utility craft (drone ship, transport helicopter, catch tower.. whatever you can imagine). I don't like the magic easy method: to just abstract everything away and change the resource numbers. That's lazy and it sucks.
  17. Sounds like you're describing the actual future of space exploration and exploitation. But again, there are ways to mitigate the very low chance of overcrowding and implement exclusivity. Like, for example, the first come - first served principle. It's a competitive universe out there.
  18. It's down to play testing and implementation. But I really think we still don't appreciate how physically big the KSP universe actually is and how much room there is for everyone to play and build. Not to mention interstellar travel. A light-year is ~9,460,700,000,000 km. That's 5.88 trillion miles. The planets and moons have enough surface area for hundreds of thousands of colonies. And you're worrying about more than 12 players. What you're actually saying is that you don't want UI clutter in map view and invasive interactions in multiplayer. That's a whole different problem to solve. Think about it this way: you're not against the internet existing as long as you can selectively access the online information. How absurd would it be for me to say: here, process this 100 TB of information right now. Similarly, that's not what I'm advocating when I say KSP should be a MMOG. I'm talking about accessibility and persistency of user generated data.
  19. Bread crumbs indicate I might be right in the end in some aspects. We will see. I'm not really interested in any other game. This is THE game that was promised by KSP1.
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