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Everything posted by Kerbalsaurus

  1. I've been working on this while waiting for KSP to laod, and today I finished it up. Behold, a LEGO City VAB, complete with a movable door! Inside of the hangar is a little rocket. Wonder where it'll be headed... Oh, and here's the side hangar. The doors on it are simply for detail, and do not open.
  2. We here at Raptor Aerospace have a brand new, grand new satellite to present to KASA. Behold, the Munar Observational and Scientific Satellite, or MOSS! While small and basic, this satellite will hopefully provide some scientific gain for KASA. Warranty void if it does not provide scientific gain. This is certainly a step up from our little sounding rockets in the middle of the dessert, and if selected, Raptor Aerospace will be happy to be working with KASA and hopes to be a long time partner of the KASA program! Artist's rendition
  3. I will update this soon. I have completed Gemini 2, but the forums deleted everything I've written so far.
  4. 10/10 A Swiss Army Knife of royalty.
  5. Today some stuck-up girls in my class told on one of my best friends for something he never did. I heard them scheming in science, and they said something along the lines that he told them to kill themselves, and other stuff that never happened. He's now been suspended. The worst part is I could've actively prevented all of this from happening. I heard they were going to do this, and I was going to tell the teacher they were making this stuff up before they got to him, but I stupidly forgot and now this has happened
  6. Ah, suerte adivina mi amigo. Would @Toaster355 be around?
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