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Everything posted by Kerbalsaurus

  1. Ship Top Book Stores in Grippton, Ohio (United States of Mex
  2. Ship Top Book Stores in Grippton, Ohio (United States of Mex
  3. Ship Top Book Stores in Grippton, Ohio (United States of Mex
  4. I've been working on this at school recently. I will admit it, North America was traced. It's not my fault it's such a goofy-looking continent. I apologize my handwriting is absolute garbage. I did some research into it and put down roughly where indigenous nations were. I didn't draw borders because the borders of the nation are kinda hazy. Many historians and Native Americans can't agree on where the borders for them actually were, and many records they left behind explaining that were destroyed by Europeans and Americans.
  5. CHAPTER 3: EXPANDED INFLUENCE YEAR 1, DAY 96 - MYATNYY 1 We've been to the Mun, but the Mun isn't Kerbin's only moon. Minmus is the smallest of Kerbin's moons, which means it'd be very cheap to get something into orbit of it. But the downside of its size is that it's much harder to get an encounter with it. What about the Myatnyy probe itself? We're just re-using the Muna probe design. It has more than enough Delta-V to get to Minmus, and it also works well. Why make a new probe? Now that mission briefing is over, let's get to actually launching this. Myatnyy 1 is now in orbit! Before we actually fire our engines to head to Minmus, we first need to change the inclination of the spacecraft. The inclination change will match the orbit's path with that of Minmus's, making our Trans-Minmus Injection (TMI) burn more efficient. We preform our burn, and... Our TMI burn preforms flawlessly! Myatnyy 1 begins its journey up to Minmus. 10 days later, Myatnyy 1 feels the pull of Minmus's gravity. The giant mint ball looms invitingly ahead, tantalizingly almost. Just a few minutes before its periapsis, the mission fires its engines for Minmus orbit. Mission control's eyes are glued to their consoles. There isn't much room for error here. If Myatnyy 1 simply overburns, the probe could be sent hurtling towards the surface. And while landing on the surface would be a good idea, we would prefer to, ya know, survive landing? Fortunately, Myatnyy 1 preforms flawlessly! There is now a spacecraft in orbit of Minmus! *** YEAR 1, DAY 118 - MUNA 4 We've orbited the Mun. But can we land on it? Proposal were made to delay a Mun landing to Muna 5, an Muna 4 would become another orbiter mission. But we had the rocket on standby, and a lander on that rocket. So we've decided to jump the gun and land something on the Mun's surface. Muna 4 will, yes, be riding on a Nadir KD-1 rocket, but to add some extra kick on liftoff four SRBs have been added to the side. Painted with stripes as, according to our engineers, it increases our rocket's "cool factor". I dunno. Okay, I know this is a bad angle for the rocket. SRB sep You know the drill, do I really have to say anything? I put the more mundane parts in spoilers. I feel all of my reports could benefit from this. I just like to add the launches and such as I feel it add authenticity to the thread. TMI burn The lander separates and finallizes the burn, than makes its way over to the Mun. Missions like these are starting to become more and more routine, which is good news for our space program. This is good practice for future interplanetary and Kerballed missions. Orbital insertion burn About an orbit later, Muna 4 fires its engines for descent. We now enter unfamiliar territory. Once at 6km, Muna 4 fires its engines again for the suicide burn. Almost there... Contact! Muna 4 is now safely standing on the surface of the Mun! Pictures are coming back now... WHAT?! That's it? The Mun is nothing but gray wasteland? Well, maybe there's more to it than that. As is everything in science, we need more information. Perhaps we need better robotic infrastructure... We'll order our design bureau to do further research into it. *** YEAR 1, DAY 137 - MYATNYY 2 Unlike Muna 4, Myatnyy 2 will be another orbiter mission. We simply aren't sure if Minmus is safe to land on. Insight gained from Myatnyy 1 showed that Minmus was made of ice. We aren't sure if a lander would sink right through, or that its engines would melt the ice, causing an uneven landing zone. Myatnyy 2 will preform a much more involved examination of the surface, paving the way for a future lander mission. Myatnyy 2 in orbit TMI burn begins Myatnyy 2's own engine completes the burn Myatnyy 2 begins it 6 day journey to the Mun. Strange, since last time it was 10 days. Does anybody know how that works? Myatnyy 2 approaches Minmus Myatnyy 2 safely enters orbit of Minmus, and immediately begins its focused observations of the surface. Data collected shows that there a huge flat area on the surface, all of which are extremely lander friendly. It's also found that a rocket engine won't melt the ice on Minmus, as the ice is simply to compact. Also, it's been in direct sunlight for, like, billions of years. If it hasn't melted then, it probably won't now. But that begs another question: how is a giant ball of ice floating this close to Kerbol? *** YEAR 1, DAY 164 - MYATNYY 3 With the data from Myatnyy 2 showing that a Minmus landing isn't only possible, but easy, the CKR space program begins work on the lander. As usual, it will be the same design as the Muna landers. If they can survive a trip to the Mun, they can survive a trip to Minmus. Scientists also hope that this mission can provide insight into the origins of Minmus. A ball of ice can't form this close to Kerbol, right? Some speculate it may be a captured comet, but that doesn't explain it's almost perfectly circular orbit. While Myatnyy 3 won't exactly solve this problem, it will catapult our investigation into the matter. Krackenspeed, Myatnyy 3! Clean booster sep! Once Myatnyy 3 is in orbit, the standard procedures for a trip to Minmus take place. Inclination change, yada yada, and before you know it... ...we're off to Minmus! Myatnyy 3 coats through empty space for the next week or so, before a Mint-colored light shines upon the spacecraft metal coating. It has arrived. Minmus looms ahead of the spacecraft Braking burn Now we reach the most important part of the mission: the landing. While landing on Minmus may be easy, it still does have its challenges. First, its low gravity means a high TWR and slow falling rate. This will make landing very tedious and boring to sit through. Second, Minmus's cliffs have a very sharp drop off to the flats. If we were to just barely undershoot the flats, a lander-shaped hole will sit on Minmus's surface. The de-orbit burns begins, and Myatnyy 3 begins making its way down to Minmus's surface. "1km from the surface, beginning engine puffs" - Gen Kerman Myatnyy 3 safely lands on Minmus's surface! We have not conquered one, but now two worlds! As the CKR continues to push the limit of what's possible, many begin to ask themselves: can a Kerbal survive up there?
  6. Uh, close second? @TwoCalories, are you to reply next?
  7. The new TUFX profile honestly lookin’ pretty slick. And sorry about your cat. It’s always sad to lose a long time pet/friend .
  8. This afternoon my nose out of nowhere started gushing blood for 20 minutes. No idea why. Seasonal change I suppose? Point is, I went through 1 box of tissues in 10 minutes, and drenched single sheets red very quickly. I’m fine, but still.
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