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Everything posted by Kerbalsaurus

  1. of which I accidentally left out,
  2. Ah, rendezvous a doozy to learn at first. But after a while it becomes second nature. I suppose I can help out here. I guess I'm now doing my first tutorial here. Now, there are two ways to rendezvous. You can either wait till your target is right above you, or you can launch your target to a much higher orbit. I suggest the latter. For this, I'm using a space station, but you can really use whatever. So first, you're going to want to launch your target to a 200x200km orbit, like this: Next, your going to want to launch what's actually going to dock to your target too a 100x100km orbit. This gives you a lot of wiggle room. I actually got into a really good position here. Next, you're going to want to adjust your orbital plane. Set up a maneuver node at either you Ascending or Descending node (whatever's closer). In this case, it's the ascending node. With this position, you're going to want to pull of your anti-normal node until the ascending node reaches 0.0. Do the same thing for descending node, but using the normal node instead. Now, preform the maneuver! Next, set up the actual rendezvous maneuver. Pull on the prograde node , and get your intersect close to 0.0km. Move your maneuver a little if you have to. In the end, it should look like this: Now, set your navball to "target", and click retrograde . Once your about 1.5km away, fire your engines till your right next to your target. Then you'll want to right-click the docking port, and aim at the space station. And with your target, right-click on its docking port and aim for the docking object. This is a process known as the "Lowne Lazy Method". Now just fire your RCS jets and move towards your target at a speed between 0.5-1.0m/s. Just wait now, and occasionally correct your position. Docking port alignment mod helps with this. And before you know it... Your docked! It doesn't take all that long. It's really easier done than said. Jeb goes for an EVA
  3. I'm going to announce that this thread is going on a brief hiatus. I promise it's not ending, I just need a break from Beyond itself. I'm just kind of sick of the save right now. It's weird, I don't have burnout on KSP, I have burnout on the save itself. I hope you all understand.
  4. I feel the Milky Way one is better, as Earth, as you know, is in the Milky Way. Also, I've been using that one for months now with no reason to change it. If you want to have a black background during the day, I suggest @Lisias's mod Distant Object Enhancement".
  5. Do whatever, man. I don’t care.
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