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The Space Peacock

Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by The Space Peacock

  1. @142857 added the additional simplified craft file you provided to your report
  2. for reference, this is basically the classic 'kraken attack' behaviour
  3. @142857 @Kerbart Made this a dedicated report for future proofing reasons
  4. that's a solid argument. will seperate it into tis own thread for the reasons you mentioned
  5. by far one of the most impressive RUDs i've seen figuring out wat exactly is causing it for this craft would be hard. some crafts just 'have it', for reasons science cant explain
  6. @142857 added the video you provided to your report
  7. Suggestion: If a bug's status is unchanged from the last K.E.R.B., leave it out and fill the slot with the next-in-line bug. This way we get updates on more of the top rated community bugs, and dont have some bug's status be stuck at 'under investigation' for weeks
  8. @PicoSpace thats gotta be the biggest leek i've ever seen
  9. Wobble isnt limited to atmosphere, i can be caused by a range of factors. The common culprits are certain part interactions, oscillations exasturbated by SAS or just the plain old kraken. It can be bad enough to shake a craft appart, as was happening with yours. I'll do some additional testing with your craft to make sure that is indeed whats happening here, but if a craft is shaking itself appart in any way its usually another instance of wobbly rockets. I've fallen victim to it quite a few times myself If this happens to you again in the future, there is a workaround; reload the craft and immediately pause as soon as it loads. some parts may not be in their correct positions, but it should prevent it from violently shaking itself to pieces
  10. @142857 merged your report with this one
  11. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7-1065G7 | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce MX350 | RAM: 8GB Issue: When switching between Low and High graphics presets, some of the terrain graphics settings are sometimes unnafected Steps to Replicate: Set graphics presets to Low. ensure all settings are set to he lowest option switch graphics preset to high. note that some settings are still on low set every setting to the highest option switch graphics preset to low. note that some settings are still on high Note: The Environment Prop Density option will sometimes change when switching from high to low, but not always Images:
  12. @Scarecrow71 added a note to title with probable cause for this bug, and added steps to replicate it aswell as a workaround. Will do further testing
  13. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7-1065G7 | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce MX350 | RAM: 8GB Issue: A bugged out 'CE' marker appears after cancelling a maneuver. It stays a set distance ahead of the crafts position on its orbital trajectory, and does not scale when zooming in or out. Steps to Reproduce: i was not able to reproduce this, but here is what lead up to it happening: Vessel on a flyby trajectory around the Mun, still in Kerbin's SOI (CE_marker.json) Made a maneuver node, dragged it along the orbit to line up with the periapsis around the Mun. Added retrograde input until the planned trajectory showed a circular mun orbit timewarped to maneuver, but deleted maneuver just before exiting timewarp. "CE" marker appears and does not go away until a reload Video Evidence:
  14. @Anth moved this report out of the archives. still happening in
  15. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7-1065G7 | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce MX350 | RAM: 8GB Issue: The edges of clouds look grainy and blotchy when viewed up close from below. This seems to worsen when you move the camera. Images: High Quality: Medium Quality:
  16. similar bug, but with landing legs; Did not merge these for posterity reasons.
  17. @NaughtyMonster changed the title of your report to generalize the issue @The Aziz merged your report with this one. will investigate both
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