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Everything posted by Ultim32

  1. @Kurld, Idk if this would work with this mod, but the Github page for Galileo88's Rescale mod recommended that you use the Kronometer mod to get the date and time set correctly.
  2. Idk if this has been asked already, but @Kuiper_Belt, how did you get the decals for the payload bay, specifically the United States on the side of the payload bay?
  3. @AlphaMensae, would it be possible to add the Saturn Mobile Service Structure for the Saturn launch pad?
  4. When I re-entered Columbia after deploying the Power Tower for Skylab, I tried to make Columbia land on solid ground, and the shuttle was attacked by the kraken. To avoid losing the crew, I used the alt f12 set position cheat to set the orbiter back on land. Everything inside the payload bay exploded, and all five elevons on the shuttle exploded as well. Does anybody know if Matt Lowne will do Kerbin Rescues? Or does he only do rescues on other planets?
  5. Minecraft is even more picky about mods. You can only use mods that match the version of Minecraft that you have downloaded. (1.12.2 mods only work on version 1.12.2 of Minecraft)
  6. Ok! I can't wait for the next launch! Also, when I de-orbited Challenger yesterday, I went to the map view, and Challenger spaghettified, which crashed the game.
  7. Hi, @benjee10, when I rotate the KerboArm1 axial servo joint past 1 or -1, when I try to set it back to 0, it just skips over it. Is this a bug? EDIT: This is probably unrelated to the first problem mentioned, but for some odd reason, Challenger decided to spaghettify during re-entry. Idk if this is a bug or not, but it crashed the game.
  8. I love the TF2 Expiration Date video, especially that part! Also, I just found out about this mod, and it looks great!
  9. I do like Project EOC's shuttle, but EOC's shuttle doesn't line up with the forward strut on the bipod.
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