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Everything posted by cocoscacao

  1. Yeah, okay. Poor choice of words. True, true. I still hope they'll revise what's available, and revisit tech tree accordingly. Even if it breaks backwards compatibility.
  2. That doesn't justify the inconsistency among parts. I don't wanna waste time setting up something like that. Action groups are for connecting unrelated parts.
  3. When hovering over a "stage-able "part, it should be highlighted in the staging area as well. Currently it ain't.
  4. Honestly, I'm not very happy now when I think about it. I hope this tree will get redone at some point. I just had to open 5 MD cargo bays manually, simply because there are only two length options for that radius, and the longer version was just one too long for my specific case. Seriously, I hate doing this. More variety please.
  5. I wonder what crazy poop is gonna pop up here when colony/interstellar parts arrive...
  6. I had the same thought. Nate did mentioned once (before EA) that saves won't ensure compatibility until v1. I don't mind losing progress until then.
  7. Multicolor trajectories, so I can differentiate them. MN visible behind a body. Toggable MN fine tuning.
  8. All of this would become pointless if they just decided to put a single part and fixed-step sliders for height and diameter... I still don't know why they didn't choose that approach.
  9. Not photo realistic, but they kinda look static. If I recall correctly, first reveal of reentry heating had a lot more "flame wiggling".
  10. Another thing I hope is changed is sensitivity of batteries, antennas and solar panels to reentry heating. I don't want temporary signal blackout. Those antennas should be fried... Keep stuff protected on both ascend and descend.
  11. What gameplay? Science is still roughly about hopping to a certain location and pressing a button. The interesting part is how YOU are gonna achieve some goal. The rest is... well button clicking...
  12. Such as? I doubt we're gonna get those before 0.2.0 release. Space creator day gave a few hints, but I don't know what else can be said without unveiling gameplay completely. Even if they do that, knowing exactly what's coming without the ability to tinker with it myself... makes absolutely no difference to me.
  13. Adding coal to the hype train, since we're on page 13, I'm superstitious and 0.2.0 isn't that far away. I really wish to rewrite my steam review and recommend this game, instead of KSP 1, as a default choice in a few weeks. HYPE!
  14. This was present since the launch I believe? Annoying as heck. I'm surprised it's been reported less than a month ago. Upvoted.
  15. I'm curious how they're gonna deal with that... Best guess, antennas wont have strong enough signals.
  16. Quick q... Will radio comms be possible between star systems?
  17. Hopefully with more colors. Just replace circles with entry/exit symbols and paint them blue/red, something.
  18. Well, if you can't satisfy both ends of the community, make compromises instead. Navball should be removed completely.
  19. I miss team's weekly updates. Yes, 0.2.0 is coming, but It'd be nice to see a short We're still kickin' post every now and then...
  20. A whole aspect that I didn't even consider while replying. So yeah, we basically agree. Design is tough. The devil is in the details. Cool addition to LS pro/con discussion.
  21. That's the problem. What would LS include then? Additional parts? You would render them useless if the checkbox is unticked? I understand their hesitation. From game design perspective, it ain't that simple.
  22. I'm kinda torn apart with LS. If you can ignore it around Kerbin, then the next major step (inteplanetary) becomes even more hard. You now need to know when the return launch window is gonna happen, and plan according to that as well. Many players never left home planet SOI, this would just discourage them further.
  23. Navball should stop working when electric power is 0.
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