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Everything posted by TwoCalories

  1. 10/10 Frequent resident of the Forum Games.
  2. I am actually trying to get into DCS! I got the F/A-18C module and I'm really digging it, but I'm still struggling a bit with learning the material. I kind of gave up on reading the manual since its so long and kind of hard to digest, but was that a mistake? I would like some tips. PS: I quoted you from the Feb. TOTM thread but posted this here because I felt like this didn't belong in the TOTM thread.
  3. Click Wars VI: Return of the Clicks
  4. Congrats to all the winners, including @Toaster355! One of my favorite mission reports. Also, I like the new profile picture, especially since it has an F/A-18 in it!
  5. Granted. You already do have it. I wish for Weekend Wednesday.
  6. Click Wars V: The Forumgoers Click Back!
  7. The crew didn't happen to have any Death Star plans onboard, did they? Jokes aside, this station is awesome, and the sci-fi-esque shots are amazing! What visual mods do you use?
  8. This is a very long clicking session. Is this the last click?
  9. Floor 4555: The weird overly obsessed F/A-18 fan again, this time talking about the F-14 Tomcat.
  10. Granted. Except the wish-granting system doesn't recognize the word "perservere" due to the extra "r". I wish to be able to utilize the weekend to catch up on sleep, instead of being locked into weekday schedule.
  11. Alright, the poll seems to have slowed down, and the majority of you want me to change the countries. I'll be closing the poll soon after posting this. Thanks for your input, and sorry for all the radio silence recently. It'll probably be a bit longer before a new chapter comes out, since I have to start making the countries and their flags, plus retconning the chapters that feature old country names.
  12. Clickity-click-click-clackity-clack! And another click, for good measure.
  13. I've constantly missed it because of IRL, but finally fate has aligned itself so I can CLICK!
  14. "Make him stay, Murph!" "DON'T LET ME LEAVE, MURPH!"
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