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Everything posted by TwoCalories

  1. "The Lego merchandising program earned us triple the funding we needed, because Legos are so freaking expensive."
  2. Since SS Roadhouse and Roadhouse-2 were launched within a day of each other, I've been using the elapsed time to keep track. Admittingly, I never thought to do this, and it's probably a good idea once I start having several bases and stations to keep track of. Also, I use the Alarm Clock mod because I've found the stock one to be inaccurate and unreliable at times.
  3. P 50 I'm going to have to stop you right there, Negative Mercenaries.
  4. I'd be cautious about that. I've heard the ACRV causing issues with other people's saves (mainly Goldforest's mission report).
  5. I have been summoned. Can we get @Matt Lowne back from the shadow realm, please?
  6. I noticed you got your PFP back a couple of days ago. Did you figure out a fix?
  7. F/A-18F Super Hornet (Osean Air Defense Force) "Imagine not existing in real life."
  8. I'm not sure what you mean. They're my own screenshots that I took in-game, and the flags I made are my own as well. Thank you! I am not at liberty to disclose certain information... *** Also, hopefully a new chapter this weekend! I'll probably be getting the Roadhouse-2 crew home.
  9. Floor 4447: Vsauce explaining how this infinitely tall building works and how new floors are constantly created as you move up each floor. "Moon Men" plays in the background.
  10. Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do! So, who won that round?
  11. I've encountered this too. I think it might be any link. I tried to edit an image into a post, and got the same message.
  12. Objection, your honor. NUH UH! The prosecution calls @ColdJ!
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