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Everything posted by kdaviper

  1. To be clear you may speak for a lot of people here, but please don't try to speak on behalf of the whole community. Comm net occlusion can wait indefinitely for all i care; I would rather their limited time and energy be spent find almost literally anything else.
  2. The real downside would be that it would be about the same as the kerbol system, but the planets would be larger and less dense
  3. Make sure you aren't time warping. Noticed on duna after I hit atmosphere, it didn't revert to 1x like ksp1. Edit: not to say parachutes don't bug out occasionally... I encountered the big where only one parachute would open last night. Luckily it was redundant and I landed safely without it.
  4. The engineers report won't help you. There should be dV info in the vab if you click the gear icon next to the stage info. Here you can select celestial body and situation (atmosphere, altitude, vac)
  5. I mean I didn't have any issues whatsoever. I must have been lucky not to encounter such a bug
  6. Did my first 4-minute burn last night with a NERV-powered craft and the burn was nearly perfect. Used time warp for most of it too.
  7. I wonder if this has to do with the Self-righting quality the wheels seem to have; they appear to attempt to stick to the ground when you roll the craft.
  8. I imagine the way to do this (it would still be quite difficult) is to land a return craft basically empty and run some resupply missions to fuel it back up
  9. Also, why give an option to revert after you have recovered the vessel!?
  10. They may have high heat tolerance, but do they have enough thermal mass? That's kind of the point of an ablative heart shield though. Without ablator you might as well just stick on a structural panel
  11. It would be very handy to have some sort of in-vab graphic to clearly show the tops and bottoms of the docking ports. Perhaps the bottoms could have a red "X" on them. I thought I had encountered the docking port bug, but it turns out one was upside-down. Yes I know they do look different from either side but I still managed to screw it up though I thought I had double checked in the vab. I think this would be appreciated by everybody, from first-timers to veteran kerbonauts.
  12. What might be happening... The fairing is heating up in lower atmosphere Then transferring heat to the attached part slowly until equilibrium.
  13. The game calculates dV changes by taking into consideration start and ending mass of the vehicle. So if it did allow you, out would only be useful for knowing dV requirements and not how much fuel you would need
  14. Where you plant the node is where the burn starts, so you have to move it back a touch to get your pe to stay put
  15. KSP is already a niche franchise without explicitly catering only to hardcore players. Either you need a crack team of mathematicians and cs/se's or you will need for computers to become much more capable, or wait for other hardcore enthusiasts to take their own time to put into creating mods that will bring the level of realism to your liking. The purpose of KSP 2 is to build upon the foundations of the original while also expanding the market through better onboarding and more cohesive and engaging gameplay design. Dopamine release is the reason for any game to exist; what triggers that will be different from person to person.
  16. Missions don't have to be completed in any sort of time frame, so why not just wait til you have the tech unlocked?
  17. I'm not saying it's a bad idea to add more complex or realistic comms, but I think it would be a good commercial strategy to have various levels of implementation.
  18. On top of all of that, comm nets require a bunch of craft to be sent into orbit so that your other craft can fly. I think they often outnumbered the actual probes and other craft added together in my saves.
  19. Iirc Commnet was one of the latest things they added to ksp1 and you had to enable it with a toggle. I would rather they deliver on the planned roadmap feature than worry about edge case gameplay loops.
  20. One of the first things I noticed was that the mk1 capsule has a flat bottom. Is it lighter than the mk1 in ksp1?
  21. I would suspect the issue is your ram/lack thereof
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