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Everything posted by NexusHelium

  1. I would like to present: Upside Down Bob! My eye was actively twitching when I made this. Launch And here it is in orbit. Took a second to get everything right (Surprisingly) Orbit I can finally get back to doing something sensible.
  2. ohhhhh... I don't like that. How many frames were you getting?
  3. Good luck to you! It's not really super hard to find but still a challenge from time to time.
  4. Well, the VAB designed to get the Saturn V to the moon was designed before the moon landing itself or even the Saturn V (In 1965)
  5. I imagine a release build is just a build they're comfortable with releasing and has been more or less optimized (But you know...). They do a final test and get rid of their normal debug tools then ship it by the required release date. But I'm not a game developer so I wouldn't know for sure (Not to mention that is probably much simplified from the actual process).
  6. That and the fact that real methalox engines produce a bluish pink plume, just like in KSP2. If they were to have gone with a hydrogen-oxygen mix like the SLS or a kerosene heavy engine like the Saturn V (though Kerosene is really only good if you have a massive rocket like the Saturn) it would be the orangy-yellow you see in typical rockets.
  7. I think (don't quote me on this) it was Matt Lowne but who cares at this point? We're getting the update!
  8. Legitimately, I can't stop silently pumping my fist.
  9. That's a fair reasoning but I would recommend playing 0.1.5 at least once. Once you pick it up and see the new graphics... (At least for me) It's hard to put down. In my opinion, the game is relatively playable now. I am also very happy that KSP2 is finally getting the hope (I would say respect but that's still debatable by most people) it deserves! This game truly does have HUGE potential.
  10. Well... a probe wouldn't exactly know what's happening in it's surroundings. Unlike Kerbals, computers do not have eyes{Citation needed] It would need some way to assess it's surroundings (Hence the science experiments)
  11. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: Intel i7 | GPU: Geforce 1080 | RAM: 12 GB Severity: Low (a simple restart fixes) Frequency: Low (haven't been able to reproduce) This bug is strange and I have absolutely no idea how I did it in the first place but essentially I had done something that involved reverting back to the VAB (again, can't place the specific steps) but when I had gotten back to the VAB the craft appeared to be in a flight state (i.e the HUD was the same from the flight and I didn't appear to be able to load a craft or even place new parts on a craft) I also tried reverting to the flight and it just stayed on the loading screen. Though I have no idea what this bug is or how to replicate it, I wanted to put it here just to make sure I can put my findings here in case I encounter it again. Included Attachments: .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  12. Oh absolutely... From time to time I always think that I'm bored of it but one day I'll be like, "You know what? Just a simple Duna mission today... why not?" ... And then I don't put the game down for 4 hours... What a fellow human (assuming you ARE a human) can do when they have general workarounds for basically every bug.
  13. I saw in ANOTHER interview that they (And understandably so) would prefer to not have to work during the holidays... And the 20th would be cutting that margin a little close. I'd give it 15th max.
  14. Of course... My computer is not the best so (presumably, unless my computer is some special piece of hardware) better computers will perform better when using this trick.
  15. So, these drops actually have a general workaround. It drastically improves frames during launch and just in general when I save the game in a landed state (For example, on the launch pad) and then quit the game and load that save. For me it gets my frames to about 30-40 on average and sometimes even 60 on relatively simple planets (like Moho) Just a little trick I found that works pretty frequently.
  16. I would also personally like the motors and the chopping and moving of the propeller to have sound (From what I remember, it didn't in KSP 1)
  17. You mean like... All of them? In my opinion, from orbit (KSP with Parallax, EVE and Scatterer still looks better from the surface) looks AMAZING!
  18. Now it is time to harness my inner 5-years ago me and crash into the mun by just going up.
  19. Yes... They exist* *Trees do not have collision mesh and - as deemed by the Nexus Aeronautics and Space Administration - are not considered real. Please disregard the trees as real objects and feel free to fly right into them. I mean... who's gonna stop you?! Not gonna be me, I'll tell you that. If you want you can treat them like real trees but... Did you even READ the first sentence! I said they're not so CLEARLY they're not!!! 0/10 would not recommend this game; trees aren't even real.** **Please regard the above statement as nothing but a legal statement required by N(exus)ASA. It is considered satire and should be regarded as irrelevant.
  20. Whoa... That's awesome. I don't have the best GPU (Only like a GeForce GTX 1800)... but on a laptop?! I couldn't imagine what frames you must have gotten before patch 5. But back to the update. I used to only get 20-25 frames on a good day. Now I get around 35 FPS everyday (yes I needed all the emphasis I could squeeze out of that). I am immensely impressed with the work the team has done, namely improving on the performance and the graphics. We're on the doorstep for "For Science!" (Try saying that 5 times fast) and... I know it's a little far away but I can't wait for colonies and interstellar!
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